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Messages - emutchler

I got an answer from the folks at Tropical Fish Vintage - apparently these were added by the factory to improve the amp design. Also, in case anyone is interested, there are similar ones on the pickup as well.
Upon further analysis, it appears that each of these caps are placed in parallel with the base and emitter of transistors on the PCB. My knowledge of electronics is not good enough to know why these might be there, but I figured it might help someone else diagnose my issue.
Hey everyone, so I started working on the PCB today for my 206A and when I flipped it over, there were a few ceramic caps that were soldered on there. I cannot seem to find any mention of these in any schematic or anything. Should I go ahead and remove these or do they likely serve a purpose? I attached a photo for reference.
Also, thoughts on carbon film vs metal film for the resistors?
Hi everyone! I'm working on replacing some busted components on my chopped 206A (as well as adding the vibrato and aux out circuit). For the capacitors, there are clear markings on them to denote what capacitance, voltage, etc. they are. For the resistors and other components though, I'm a little more lost. How do I know what wattage the resistors are and whatnot? On the schematic, it says 2 watts for a few specific resistors but doesn't mention anything for the rest. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
@drpepper would you be willing to share (publicly or privately) your 3d models for this?
The Wurlitzer Electric Piano / Painting 206A Lid
January 05, 2022, 10:19:09 AM
Hey all! I have my 206A back in working order (yay!) and am ready to begin doing some cosmetic repairs. My partner is an artist and I want to commission them to do a custom paint job on the lid but they are not sure what types of paint will work best. I plan on cleaning the lid thoroughly before hand and giving it a very light sanding (I read from some people to do this but to make sure it is very minimal). Other than that, what recommendations do y'all have? Also what types of paint will work? Thank you so much! I've already learned so much from this community :)
@cinnanon - I sent you a pm regarding one of these 3d models. Please check when you get a chance :)
Hi all! I just picked up a 206A which is my first EP. It needs a lot of work and so I had intended to convert it to a 200A and make it a personal project. I removed all of the mechanics and electronics to give it a good clean (which it desperately needed) but I forgot to take pictures of everything so I know how it all fits back in. Specifically, a few of the green grounding wires are stumping me a little bit as to where they attach to. I'm really worried I have messed up this beautiful instrument and could use some help getting it back together. Does anyone have some detailed pictures of their 206A without the lid they could share? I'm also wondering at this point if I should take it to a professional to get the mechanics worked on first and then I can work on the electronics (which is where I feel more comfortable). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm at work now but I can provide reference photos of my keyboard when I get home too if that helps.