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Messages - amorrison651

The Wurlitzer Electric Piano / Re: Wurlitzer Returns
January 30, 2024, 07:41:33 AM
I'm hopeful that it could hopefully mean more official spare parts available such as reeds, legs and pedals, but wouldn't be surprised if they come at a premium...
Hey there, sorry to hear your having this issue

A key question is does this also happen when using an external speaker with the aux out?

Whilst I don't recognise that exact pulsing sound, my suggestion would be to check the two fuses on the amp to see if either has blown and replace if needs be

When you open it up again check that the wire's connected to the speakers and elsewhere haven't frayed and check that you've definitely reconnected all of the green grounding cables to the Hun shield screws - loose wires or frays can cause shorts

Have a look at the connection points, are they particularly dirty? Perhaps also buy some contact cleaner spray

Whilst replacing a blown fuse might fix the issue, you want to be sure you didn't cause a short somewhere else, which would just blow the replacement fuses too

If the fuses look fine, have a good look at the physical condition of the amp, are any of the capacitors looking bloated/leaking, is there a lot of dust/grit?
Hey All

So I came across the below thread about a DIY vibrato speed control for a 200

I have a 206a, which has had vibrato circuitry added, but no rate control - something which I would like to have for live performance use, not looking anything extreme, just to be able to slow it down a bit for a couple of the slower numbers my band does

Has anyone done a similar mod with a 200a/206a, and if so any suggestion which R?? controls rate and resistor and pot values to use?

I realise there are new well designed amps out there with this functionality already, but I've already rebuilt much of the original preamp and amp and got this wurli sounding great and very clean so don't feel the need to spend a great deal on a totally new amp at this stage - I also like taking the DIY approach to things
Hey Jenzz

Awesome thanks very much for the guidance!

Updated with a new fuse holder and a standard 1.6a fuse as suggested above and the distortion issue is now fully fixed - super thankful that nothing else got fried!
Hey there

So I recently acquired a Wurlitzer 206a (based in the UK) which I've chopped as need it for performing live (strangely the base was from a 207 so didn't mind chopping as wasn't original and have converted the base into a small separate speaker cab)

However, on testing the cab output I rather stupidly allowed for a short to occur at the speaker cab output jack - this has resulted in the speaker out sounding very distorted on inspection I can see the relevant fuse has blown

I'm now looking at the replacements, but having trouble figuring the exact right part on mouser, I've found it needs 1.5a, another poster noted 32VDC and 32VAC but not sure if that's correct, and I can't figure out whether it needs to be a slow blow or fast blow?

Would anyone be able to make suggestions on the exact type/specifications required?