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Messages - raemon80

Quote from: "bjammerz"well it's that old philosophy - do you buy the classic 1969 mustang with 6 miles on it, just to buy it and put in a glass case, or actually use it?  I don't think there are a lot of "glass case" Rhodes collectors out there.
u mean a '62 Impala?  8)
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / high priced rhodes
August 07, 2008, 08:58:40 AM
Quote from: "Rune W"Here in Europe the prices are "wild". Someone is offering a Rhodes MK1 88 Suitcase  with 1 blown speaker for 17.500 norwegian kroner, 3500 USD.
And it's nothing special with this piano, just an old stock Rhodes.....

See link. (written in Norwegian)

So no wonder many europeans buy their Rhodes' in the US.
Even with shipping-cost it is cheaper.


that's exactly what I did, and in total (with taxes and shipping) it saved me about €500. Plus I can deduct the VAT tax each year.
But this is overpriced, even for a piano in the UK.
super sweet, Spooky!
all this candy is making me  :twisted:  :twisted:

Sounds like a plan :)
Quote from: "bjammerz"Funky!!
that is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I finished it....It's not the most handsome fella....but he's FUNKY!
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
July 28, 2008, 02:10:16 PM
I used 17 bottles.
I'll probably try to get my hands on another cover and do some more because it doesn't look bad for the first job, but I could've done better.

The color doesn't look nice on the pics I must admit  :wink:
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
July 28, 2008, 12:33:45 PM

define expensive :)
I think I spent around $100 dollars all together (paint, brushes, coating).
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
July 28, 2008, 11:25:50 AM
I finished it!
But all the pics I took while I was painting it are on the camera my wife took on her vacation :/

So here's a crappy phone pic of the end result:

When the camera is back I'll post the other pics with the "story"

Basically it's four to five layers of glitter paint and 3 layers of transparent coating.
Well, I finally finished the paint job.
My wife took the camera that had all the pics on it from the first to fourth stage of paint layers but I took some pics with my phone of the end result. I'll post some more pics in the other forum section with.
Excuse the poor quality:

It has the red sparkle tolex, new hardware and I painted the top with DecoArt Glitter Paint :)
EP Service did a full run-through and I installed the Stage Vibe with a little troubleshooting help from Chris (VV).
my wife is in Dallas atm visiting her familiy. I'm calling her RIGHT NOW to scavenge yard/garage sales!
You Die NOW!!!! :twisted:
Quote from: "3bergen"Hi Raemon,
it's such a small world huh?  :wink:
Seems like a cool Rhodes you got there, cool colors, am curious how the stagevibe is.
I'm still looking for a stage Rhodes, but the suitcase keeps me busy for a while.
Maybe we'll meet someday at the EPservice

Sounds like a plan!
Funny, I'm still looking for a suitcase, while this Stage Model is kicking my ass!
The Stage Vibe sounds sweet, I had issues with the signal and pots, since some stuff must've been moved during shipping. But Chris (from VV) gave me some tips & tricks, and with simple tweaking in the circuitry board the problem has been fixed :)

I will definitely be at EP Service in September to have a look at this new collection of (40!) Rhodes piano's he's supposed to get. Some guy (with time, money and a passion for Fender Rhodes piano's) travelled through The States for 6 months and bought up around 40 piano's and shipped them to Holland. He's storing them all in Schagen in September ^^
Yo 3Bergen,

they were finishing up your suitcase when I picked mine up :)
Just finished painting the cover and it's gotta dry for a couple of days....putting the Stage Vibe on it  8)

pics l8rz!!
the Bi-Phase has a lot more parameters to influence its sound (sweep generators i.e.) by use of differents combinations etc.
Plus the circuitry is just different so it would be hard to get that type of sound anyway.
Don't get the Russian made models. Don't get the Nano.
That's basically it.

If you can chose between old and new I would get the new one (top row, 3rd and 4th...made in USA). It has some improvements in the circuitry.

Don't get them from a store here in Holland, though (Feedback etc)...they'll charge you around €85-€100. I got mine off eBay for around €50...NEW.
Super thanks, Dan.
I saw some vids on youtube as well and after listening to your .mp3, I must say...there's something about that sound that is interesting. I can definitely see myself using it in a production/mix.
I came across 2 of these and I was wondering if it's worth getting one....they are kinda big, though...
#17 it or leave it?
Quote from: "MikeMalone"And not only that....EVERY time I seen Elton John live (11 so far) he has used the Yamaha MIDI grand....Im as much a purist as fact I think just being a member of this forum makes almost anyone a purist automatically...BUT...that Rhodes is COOL!! Elton would approve!

I admire your dedication.
I think if I had seen Elton 11x I would suffer from some random stress disorder...
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Europe
July 03, 2008, 03:08:04 PM
i think his post meant "I'm afk" 8)
Buying / Any Rhodes in London
July 02, 2008, 04:36:08 PM
yea...VV has some for very nice prices (for us Europeans  :roll: ), but I'd rather get a unserviced/unmodded piano first so I can hear what it sounds like "au naturel", before I do all kinds of stuff to it :)
haha!, I used to teach at the HBA. Cool vid, Marcel is super.
Quote from: "Jordy"
Quote from: "gunnar"I found Rob Coops a bit hard to deal with (rude, patronizing), so I went to ep-service (really nice people) and I get all my supplies from them now, but I guess many people have had good experiences with Rob, so don't just take my word for it...

The main reason I would pick Rob Coops above EP-service because of his hour wages:
EP-Service       €45,- excl. taxes (19%) (€45×1,19=€53,55)
Rob Coops    €26,50 incl. taxes (19%)

a lot of money (its said they usually say it took them 18hrs)
he gets EU funds, so basically that's where he compensates....but just for fun, go to Schagen and have a walk-around, I bet you'll love it.
I'm with you Gunnar. Exactly what I felt.
Within the first 5 minutes I was conversating with him, I knew this was NOT the guy I wanted to do business with.
you guys are kidding me, right? It looks like the blankies I used to sleep with when I was a baby, lol.
I know of Holland, TX.... :lol:
pre '75 piano's do tend to have a heavier action, though this can easily be modified (key pedestal) to lighten it up.
It's fine. I reckon they have made some changes over time.
There is a Rhodes with the Stage Vibe for sale in the UK on Ebay, and I noticed it has totally different knobs than mine. Maybe Spookyman's are different too.
did Richard Simmons do the tolex job?
That's just........peculiar.
Buying / Any Rhodes in London
July 01, 2008, 03:26:18 AM
i think it's very expensive.
There's another one for sale in the UK:

Although it's a beautiful piano, I would never pay this much for it. Imo it's about £800 too expensive.
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
June 28, 2008, 11:32:05 AM
Quote from: "Mark II"well, looks good. How did you apply the color to the sample ?

tell I said hello and to hurry up, cant wait to see the result. :wink:

kind regads

Mark II
actually that's what comes out the bottle, just plug and play  :P
I have to apply a protective coating afterwards, though since it's water-based.
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
June 28, 2008, 10:56:37 AM
ghehehe....well, when you're applying a new tolex, why not go fancy?
it's gonna be Red Sparkle :twisted:

I was thinking silver, blue or gold with it, but when I saw the Lime Green I was imagining how awfully WRONG and funky that would be
and to be quite honest, it actually looks pretty cool. The pictures don't really bring out the colour adequately imo, but anyway, here's some samples:

Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
June 28, 2008, 08:58:41 AM
ok, so I dropped the spray. Didn't like the result on some test surfaces. It's sparkles, but not the way I would have hoped.
So I searched for an alternative, thinking regular paint would probably be better than spray paint. I came across DecoArt (brush on) Glitter Paint. I ordered a bunch of colors to try and so's great stuff!!! They're in small-ass little bottles, so I'm probably gonna have to order around 20-30 of 'm (59ml), but o well....

for US:

for EU

As my piano is getting a full run-through by EP Service, I haven't been able to start on the Rhodes top. However I've been practicing on a black plastic bucket, and the "results" have been pretty satisfactory. I suppose you're not interested in pics of my Sparkle Bucket  :lol: , so hopefully in a couple of weeks I can post pics of my baby.

o yea....and so far...Lime Green is the winner to go with the new tolex! ;)
Quote from: "gunnar"To raemon80: if you have the chance to buy a Mutron, just buy it! They are so hard to get hold of that if you don't like it, you'll have no problems selling it again.
I'm still debating....I will know tonight  :roll:
Quote from: "gunnar"I played a Rhodes with a Mutron once, but I must admit that I wasn't blown away by the way the two combined. It seems to work a lot better on a bass or a guitar (in fact, I love it!), but maybe I didn't give it enough time to really find the right setting...
I haven't heard them (yet) but the guy who's willing to sell me his Bi-Phase tells me (of course...) that it's perfect for it...though I'm happy with my Smallstone, I wouldn't be the Gearslut that I am if I didn't want MORE.
got a Smallstone, but I'm still looking to get a Mutron or Maestro.....which one, guys?
is this still about phase shifters?  8)
From what I'm hearing from you, any 70s Silverface would be perfect for ya

this is a pretty good deal:|39%3A1|65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

from the description it sounds  like it might need a run-through, but the price is good.
Quote from: "Mark II"
Quote from: "pianotuner steveo"No, it looks like a 1974 stage namerail that someone modified. The black knob is in the original 1/4" output jack hole, and the other 2  1/4" jacks were added.I don't know for sure but my guess is that they wired the pickup bar for stereo?
(Bass in one channel, treble in the other?) That would explain 2 volume controls and 2 output jacks...

if it's a stage namerail I dont get the unused hole under the sticker. It looks to good and clean to be custom made.
anyway, use a new sticker to hide the holes you dont need and there you go.

Mark II

maybe he screwed up drilling holes, and succeeded on his second try  :?
looks like a PSU....about the writing....people just do that sometimes. Mine has s*** carved inside the wood....all kinds of numbers etc...
maybe we are misunderstanding each other.
But, the distortion doesn't have much to do with the relation speaker-tube.
$650 is like....a little over €400! I'm sorry, but that's almost like a joke :shock:
"Doom on You!" if you don't do it!
Quote from: "Mark II"
Quote from: "raemon80"Might even be a bit cleaner in some cases, just less power.

Doesnt that contradict ? I thought less power means bringing the main amp tubes faster to distortion resulting in a less clean sound. the 135 watt twin is because of its 135 watt a clean monster.

Mark II
not really. Wattage is decibels, tubes are your amplification, the tube distortion/saturation is really just extra :P.
Why would they distort faster, I don't see reason for that? You're actually giving your tubes a break with a smaller, less powerful speaker.
What I specifically meant was that, when you crank a Deluxe or Twin up beyond (I think it was like..) 6 or 7, you get that "edge" everyone always talks about. The Princeton doesn't have that....well, my Princeton doesn't have it 8)
Then again, it all depends on the different types of tubes and speakers you have..obviously there's a vast amount of ways to produce the sound one desires....and some tubes distort faster than others.
You should also look at Deluxe or Princeton Reverb amps, same sound and punch. Might even be a bit cleaner in some cases, just less power. Anyway, my advise would be to stick between 1968-1971. After that they started doing all kinds of stuff to the circuitry which didn't improve the sound...especially that horrendous Master Volume knob  :wink:
Before that is just too damn expensive. I've seen '64/'66 BF Twin Reverbs with the AA763 and AB763 tube chart go for $3000. You can still get AB763 Fenders at a fairly reasonable price, but they usually need some TLC..
I have a '69 Princeton Amp (AA964) for recording purposes. Love it!
If you have the space...
the money....
and your FIRST instinct said "get it"....GET IT!!
how much are they usually? I'm following one on eBay right now, but has 'm too.
Buying / Looking to buy a MK-1
June 21, 2008, 06:02:30 AM
i have a thing for pre'75 models, and like I said...the euro-dollar ratio is ridiculous so for a European, this is an acceptable price.
But, the others are right....try craigslist or look a bit further, it'll definitely save you some cash
I have some of those Key Caps from Vintage Vibe, but I haven't put myself to apply them yet....
Buying / Looking to buy a MK-1
June 20, 2008, 02:32:42 AM
wow.....he "stretched tuned"!

it is a nice piano, though. Especially with the current $ - € ratio.....i would get it.
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sparkle Top
June 11, 2008, 04:54:55 AM
Hi guys

so I've been thinking about an alternative to get my harp cover **sparkling**. Before I actually do this I'm gonna experiment on some other surface of course, but I was just interested in your opinions about this.

Glitter Spray! :P

And where else to find this than in the Scrapbooking scene!

here's some examples:

do you think this would work? Of course afterwards you finish it with a protective coating, but I think it could do the trick.
I'll keep you posted.

I recently bought a '69 Fender Princeton for studio use and I absoluteluy love it. I got it at this guy that imports them from the US and fixes them up. This one was an absolute gem and the sound was incredible. Check out the site (i know the layout might be a bit....i dunno, but the amps rock!):