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Messages - Kim Jinkings

Frank McComb explains the story of this rhodes:
My MkV has a too deep key dip. Something like 12mm (1/2"). Even after I took of all paper shims from the balance pins and rebalanced the keys with less papers (I know thats not the way to adjust key dip, but there was a lot of paper shims). Now I'm playing around with a thin felt over the  stripe felt (mark V style). Kind of works... What do you guys think? I hope you can understand my english.
Thanks, Kim
Sounds great! But this single X stand makes me nervous...
Tell us later how it sounds, please.
I had the same issue with my MKV...but the transition at B. Bought VV hammer tip kit. Now is smooth and nice, even that I did only swap the mid heavy trafic tips. The high and bass still original
Thanks....but I live in Brazil and will take long to receive the replacements. I want to know if my improvise can damage anything....the piano is working fine that way, but i don't know electronics stuff...It was an empiric solution...
impedance problems feeding the janus preamp?
I was helping a friend of mine to put his Mark II in working condition for a recording.
His rhodes got 7 bad pickups and we don't have good ones available for replace.
So we swap the dead ones with the last octave pickups.
But then the output got too weak.
So i bypassed the last dead pickups with a wire connecting the last good pickup (F#) coil winding end with the screw at the right of the last pickup (where the red and black wires are connected) And I got a good output again.
Can I cause any damage by doing this?
Sorry for my english....I hope you can understand...
name is Grace. I think It's a Donald Fagen rhodes...
I agree. The mark V needs more adjusting. The MK1 is easyer to sound decent. But MKV can sound great: great action and dynamics
I play mine everyday and until now no problems with the hammers and pickups. Just replaced 2 tines
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / Re: Eq pedal
December 04, 2012, 09:33:59 AM
I bought a Dnelectro fish & fine and quiet
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / Eq pedal
November 16, 2012, 10:53:07 AM
I'm looking for an eq pedal for my rhodes.
What range should be more efficient?
7 band: 100hz 200hz 400hz 800hz 1.6khz 3.2Khz 6.4khz
10 band: 31,25 62,5 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k

Any suggestions are welcome
boss ch1 super chorus. Mine is the blue label (analog). Don't know about the new one.
really nice in stereo.
I have two keys that behave just like that. Lube those guide pins correct the problem for a while. So, I periodicaly need to lube...and it's fine. I use the vintage vibe's lube
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: Mark V knobs
June 21, 2012, 10:20:12 AM
yes. Mark V's got two sizes of knobs. there is a topic in this forum with pictures of both sizes
Quote from: bjammerz on June 13, 2012, 06:31:21 PM
Yeah the slip-on cover for all the other Rhodes pianos makes it really handy to get in and fix something quick.

I think there are at least 4 clamps from a phillips screw that hold the Mark 5 lid down so adjusting one damper or something small is a pain.

I never use the screws that hold my Mark V lid. That way is the same as open a mark I or II.
What about this rhodes?
Mark I, mark V?
You can see the rail at 3 minutes....
I use a Roland ks 18z stand for my mkv. works great....
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: Mark V Knobs
March 06, 2012, 08:42:27 AM
How to take it off the mark V knobs and eletronics? There are no screws...
I replaced the damper felts of my MKV with Vintage Vibe's damper felts. They are more dense and that make the kissing problems on the lower register (noise when damper felts strike the tine) get worst. So, I put the old felts back...In the end, there is a reason for the soft MKV damper felts
I use the El Potator Box and I'm pretty happy with it too
Quote from: ShadetreeKeys on February 09, 2012, 11:18:21 AM
Quote from: Kim Jinkings on February 08, 2012, 03:13:29 PMThe dampers bounce as the hammers bounce and make those after touch noises.

Is installing back checks on a Mark V an option? I'm not familiar with their construction.

Doesn't this sound like something back checks would address?
My action is pretty good and I don't think worth to put another machanism to solve damper and maybe create other problems. What do you think?
Quote from: pianotuner steveo on February 08, 2012, 06:27:30 PM
Does adjusting the escapement (tine height) help at all?

Maybe you have shims that are too thick on the bass side?

In the right side I got Two shims (one wood, one black) and int left-bass I got only the wood one.
Thanks guys,

The escapement did'nt help.
By shims, Do you mean the papers between the key pin and the key? I'm gonna try that.

I never had unscrew the damper module...I'll try.
But I did replace the felts for new ones. What happen is that the new ones were really tall and massed up with my action, the bridal strips got too loose. So I cut the felts in the same height as the older ones. Since the action was pretty good...
Do you think lubing the pedestal felts can help with the bounce?
Hi guys,
first of all,  I want to say that I'm really thankfull for this forum and with your help I acomplished a lot with my first rhodes (MKV).
Now I really like my rhodes sound, but I can't achieve proper damper on the bass register.
The dampers bounce as the hammers bounce and make those after touch noises.
I read a lot about it in the forum and in the Manual. I did try the two ways to bend the dampers, replace the damper felts. And now I don't know what to do. Any sugestions?
K 801913
Sao Paulo, Brasil
A double the tunning spring. And works!!! thank you very much
I installed the lowest F tine(73 keys) a little longer than the chart recomends. But even if I put the spring as far as I can it's still too sharp.
the tine and the spring are both new. Now I'm afraid to cut cut the tine in the recomended measure and gets even sharper.
I ended installing in a little dirty but even surface.
So far no problem and sounds great
I just take it off my old hammer tips. Now I'm cleaning the hammer with a X-acto knife but I can get rid off all the glue and ruber of the old ones. Vintage vibe sad the needs to be completely clean. Should I install the new hammer tips even the hammers are still a little dirty?
Thanks Sean...

I found this from Bjammerz:

The original damper felts which are the thinner "curly" white type, seem to either lose their density or groove over time, making the bass register very difficult to dampen properly.  All 4 of these pianos, in the bass register, take a longer time to stop notes than earlier Mark 1/2 designs.  There seems to be a multiple "kissing" effect as they try to stop the wide larger-tine swing.  I've uninstalled the damper arm panel and made sure the arms aren't bent, and the tension is correct meaning it doesn't have anything to do with the mechanics of the damper arms / the bevel / the tension.  Perhaps they worked perfectly when installed but after 27 years even bending the damper tips won't entirely solve the problem.  Different felts might have to be used to have enough density to stop the bigger tines.

Thats exactaly whats going on with my piano...

About the tines, looks like vintage vibe don't has any in stock for now. Any idea?
I'm afraid that if i replace my damper felts with bigger ones I'll need to change my escapement or harp position. Right?
Thaks for your help..
that's right...I only need to replace two tines and maybe some damper felts and hammer tips.
I'm just asking because i want the tines to sound like my other 71 MkV tines.
I'm new in the forum. I'm, sorry for my english.
I'm looking to replace some parts of my rhodes mkV.

Hammer tips: Vintage vibe or the new rhodes hammer tips?

Tines: VV or the new Rhodes tines?  Do those will sound like my other tines?

damper felts: mkv looks thinner then the others. Do Thicker felts will fit?
Actually I don't know if I need to replace those.. because I don't have damper problems, just noise in the bass when release a note (when damper hits the tine)

I'll be thankful for any help.