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Messages - guillex

Hi, I've just read this old but extremely useful...and I can't find a solution to my problem. After installing the bumps (In 2 keys, on 2 different positions) I found out that the bottom of the key never touch the front rail felt (under the key)...even using the Piano Front Rail Felts of 6 mm hight! What I am doing wrong?  :'(
I've just recently bought a Fender Rhodes Stage (73) Mark I, from 1974. The previous owner also sell me a Suitcase (FR-7710, 5 pin) with the suitcase legs, so basically I am trying to convert a stage into a suitcase...

The Rhodes has the original stage preamp, with the common input/output plug...shall I change the preamp so I can connect with the 5 pins of the suitcase? Or I can plug it straight to the power input channel A of the suitcase?

Thanks in advance! :)
I've just recently bought a Fender Rhodes Stage (73) Mark I, from 1974. The previous owner also sell me a Suitcase (FR-7710, 5 pin) with the suitcase legs, so basically I am trying to convert a stage into a suitcase...

The Rhodes has the original stage preamp, with the common input/output plug...shall I change the preamp so I can connect with the 5 pins of the suitcase? Or I can plug it straight to the power input channel A of the suitcase?

Thanks in advance! :)
Well after doing a third search in the forum I found this!

Quote from: guillex on August 29, 2021, 11:30:39 AM
Hi People!  I really need help about this!  :-\

I moved 2 years ago to Spain (I was living in Argentina), and my Clav D6 is still there. I´ve contacted a very good company for shipping from South America to Europe, and they ship with all the customs taxes and legal papers.  :)

I trust in them....However, I really can´t trust in the employees of the airports...I'very afriad of my clavinet suffering big, I was thinkhing maybe I can remove some fragile parts, like the mics and the preamp...any suggestion that you can bring to me I would be very gratefull. This is really a big step, and I dont want my clavinet destroyed during the moving.

Did anybody travelled/moved a clavinet by plane? also do you have some packaging recommendations?

Thank you!
Hi People!  I really need help about this!  :-\

I moved 2 years ago to Spain (I was living in Argentina), and my Clav D6 is still there. I´ve contacted a very good company for shipping from South America to Europe, and they ship with all the customs taxes and legal papers.  :)

I trust in them....However, I really can´t trust in the employees of the airports...I'very afriad of my clavinet suffering big, I was thinkhing maybe I can remove some fragile parts, like the mics and the preamp...any suggestion that you can bring to me I would be very gratefull. This is really a big step, and I dont want my clavinet destroyed during the moving.

Did anybody travelled/moved a clavinet by plane? also do you have some packaging recommendations?

Thank you!
Max! Thank you very much for your reply.

I've just ordered the hammers, keybushing, tunning  panel cover and the Hammer Alignment Template at (by the way, I have to thanks david for the idea).
My plan is to restore all this at first, and then, after tunning the strings, check how it works or If something needs to be change/repaired.
So..I think that soon you will get from me more news about the process ::)


Quote from: Max Brink on January 25, 2015, 12:22:30 PM

[The third option for Clavinet strings doesn't even make honorable mention].

Hi Max! Thank you very very much for your reply!
I have to admit, that english is not my native language, so, I'm not sure that I've understood you good. Sorry for that.

My doubt is, How many brands of strings for Clavinet exist nowadays?

1-Those ones of (by the way, which is the brand of that strings?
2-Ken Rich (D'Addario)
3-VintageVibe set of strings? (Is that the third option that you don't want to mention? If it not, how good is this brand?)

I was planning to buy all the spare parts (including strings) in, but now I'm not so sure... ::)

The set of strings on my clavinet is not showing any sign of corrosion. This Clavinet was in a wardrobe, "out of order" during many years, but as the previous owner knew that he would not use it during many years, he let the strings not stretched (loose strings), that's why, I think, they are in good condition.

Quote from: OZDOC on January 22, 2015, 08:47:35 PM
By the way - are you missing one of those latches - or just wanting to fix the corrosion?

One is missing, the other one is absolutely bended (even If it looks good on the pic), and It's not working properly.

About the strings, I will take your suggestion, I mean, I'm not going to change them unless they sound too bad...however (and considering that I'm living in Argentina/South America) I will buy a full set of strings, just in case!!  So....I'm really lost about which one to buy..vintage vibe, clavinet, Ken Rich.... :o

Quote from: OZDOC on January 22, 2015, 07:28:07 PM
You don't want to do this twice.

Hi OzDoc, thank you very much for your reply. I was planning to change the full set of strings, but now, considering your suggestion, I'm going to research more information.So, thanks!

About the quote: " don't want to do this twice..."
By that, you mean that it's a complex task because of the re-rayarning process?  I was planning to use the silicone 'clavi gel kit' available at review of this "clavi gel'?
Hi!  :) I've recently bought a Clavinet D6, and It needs to be restored (hammers,keybushing, strings, yarn..)
I wonder where can I buy this spare part?  ::)I really can't find it...Is any other option to replace that?
