Hi Jenzz, thanks for the reply, you are absolutely right, the two coils have to "see" at least the same strings, not necessarily at exactly the same spot, but it should be somewhat close (like on a classic electric guitar humbucker which have two stacked or side-by-side coils). Not sure how I completely missed this in the first place
After a few iterations I finally came up with this design:
It's basically a single coil pickup divided in 4 sections for ease of production. Each bobin has its coil, winding is clockwise. All the magnets (40 in total) are facing the same magnetic pole and linked via a single pole piece (4 mm steel rod). The bobbins have been slightly enlarged to accomodate 2000 turns of 0,1 mm copper wire. I'm planning on wiring the 4 coils on a DPDT switch to test various configurations (parallel vs series, etc.).
I'll also make a wooden cover shield, with its inside faces coated with copper tape connected to ground:
And it will probably be fit like this on the harp:
After a few iterations I finally came up with this design:
It's basically a single coil pickup divided in 4 sections for ease of production. Each bobin has its coil, winding is clockwise. All the magnets (40 in total) are facing the same magnetic pole and linked via a single pole piece (4 mm steel rod). The bobbins have been slightly enlarged to accomodate 2000 turns of 0,1 mm copper wire. I'm planning on wiring the 4 coils on a DPDT switch to test various configurations (parallel vs series, etc.).
I'll also make a wooden cover shield, with its inside faces coated with copper tape connected to ground:
And it will probably be fit like this on the harp: