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Topics - christine1117

Other Keyboards & Software Synths / Memorymoog DOA
October 07, 2021, 09:36:38 PM
Hi Has anyone restored one of these. I have one I bought new and it was fine when I last put it in it's road case...25 years ago. I suspect a lot of bad connections, but could there be more? As I remember these things while being a really cool synth were pretty finicky. I remember having the bonnet open often. I have scopes meters tools etc.
This is going to be an on-going project for me, and you, if you wish to contribute your comments and suggestions.

The goal is to take an old 145 that has been in my basement for 35+ years and make it a presentable viable instrument. We will be taking it one section at a time. I'd love all of you to be involved in the project, or just to follow along. More details will be here tomorrow. (Once I figure out what the hell I'm going to say) LOL!

Until then,
Best, Christine.
The Wurlitzer Electric Piano / Parts. Are they available?
September 27, 2021, 09:19:40 AM
Hi folks,
i'm starting a rebuild on this old piano that has been sitting around in my basement for 30 years or so. It's not too bad.. Needs some regulation, has a broken reed, bad key covers etc. no big deal but,  upon further inspection a couple of the hammers are a goner, as in the worn down to the core. Are there any action parts available, or am I going to have to wing it. Thanks!
The Wurlitzer Electric Piano / Hi I'm New Here!
September 22, 2021, 02:10:02 PM
Hi everyone Christine here,
I've been an avid fan of all older keyboards, (because I grew up with them), LOL, and happy to be here. I think I've had every electric piano known to man at one point or another, but what I have left is what I think is a Wurlitzer 145 that has been sitting in my basement for at least 30 years that was given to me. (Kinda like the Minimoog Gary Neumann found in the upper part of his garage all covered with debris and Vines). And of course when I opened it up it was in pristine condition...NOT! But, it's not too bad, except for the enormous mouse nest on one side. So I cleaned it up, threw it on a variac to reform the caps and voila, it fired right up! So I need a little help... (you knew I was going to say that)... I have unfortunately 1 broken Reed, key 42. Well I can't find one anywhere, and I was wondering if any one has taken a similar sized one from another era and modified it to fit. I'm not afraid to do the modification, this girls has all the tools. So what do y'all think, and thank you! Christine.