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Topics - Zaki

I a thinking about buying a 88-key Mark I, which needs quite a bit of restoration.
It has a tendency to create some nasty noises (like static electricity), which I suspect is caused by one (or more) bad pickup(s). How can I test the pickups, can I measure them in some way with a ohm-meter, or something like that?

I'm trying to find some info about the Fender Super Satellite System, while is down.
What is the advantage of the Super Satellites?
Are they tube-driven (Fender Twin style) or is it more like the suitcase speakers?
Are they easily modified to be used with a Rhodes without the 4-pin connector?
Hi all,

Should I invest in a harmonic clarifier for my Rhodes? I find that the tone is indeed muddy, when firing the output through a mic/instrument preamp and into my computer soundcard. Does anyone have some samples of a Rhodes before and after it was clarified? I checked out the dyno-eq pedal from speakeasy, but I actuallydon't like the EQ. I find that the sound loses some "presence" that way.

As I normally don't bring a digital camera when rehearsing, these pictures have been taken with my cell-phone. I hope you can see what it is. The pictures are from the upper-right corner of the harp, with a few of the highest tonebars shown on the 2nd pic.

I really don't know much about electronics, but a long time ago I posted an issue about a MKI stage 88, which suffers from strange noises, when run directly through a mixer. I noticed that this "something" shown on the pictures (is it a capacitor, or something like that??) does not appear in any other Rhodes I've seen. Is this "thing" normal on a MKI 88 Stage? Is possible that this is causing the noise issues?

Whe had the cover off one day, while the Rhodes was amplified through the mixer. As one of my bandmates touched this thing a load BANG was heard from the PA. We left it as it was, but I'm getting quite curious, getting to know what it is.

Another picture where it is seen a little more in context:

Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Broken guide pin
November 17, 2004, 03:21:19 AM
Hmm... just got my broken tine fixed last week, but now I noticed that two of the guide pins under the keys of my plastic key MKII has broken off. I read that this was a general issue with plastic key MKIIs and that it is difficult to fix. But how is it best fixed? Difficult or not.
I still have one of the guide pins and my first thoughd was to super-glue it back in, but I don't believe it will last  :(
Then I thoughd about drilling a hole exactly where the guide pin was originally seated and inserting a wood dowel pin of the right size instead. Does anyone have an idea wether this will work? Or maybe other suggestions.
An "F" tine (#57) broke off the other night. A am going to order a new tine and a couple of spares from Major Key, but for a start I thoughd I would just cut the tine from the lowest note to fit. However this is giving me a horrible sustain. Is that due to lower tines being made a little different (thicker? heavier?) or is rather due to me disassembly and assembly of the tone generator unit?
Hi all,

I just got my very first Rhodes - a Stage 73 mkII.
It's in great condition only minor adjustments seems to be necessary for optimal use. One of them was the Ab-key in the fifth octave. The tonebar seems to loosen itself and touches the metal-support on the right, which makes an annoying buzz (not audible on the output, except for the sustain being shorter). I fastened the tonebar by tightening the adjustment screws, but is this the best way to do so? And why are there these adjustment screws? They only seem to affect the tonebar.

Another issue. One of the deepest tines is seated in a wrong angle. When the damper comes up it touches the tine besides the felt, and sometimes the tine appear to strike the tonebar, making an odd sound. How do I correct this? I've tried to loosen the "Tone Generator mounting screw" (as it's called in the manual), but it is stuck and I am afraid to force it. Should I loosen this screw to align the tine, or is there some other way to do it?