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Messages - hobageeba

So yeah, if it was in good condition and all worked well.  Just curious of their value nowadays.  Thanks!
Hello.  Do any of you know of any good techs in the Southern California area (preferably Orange County or LA) that won't charge me an arm and a leg for a set up?  I've got a Mark I that just needs to be completely gone through and adjusted.  Thanks in advance.
cool thanks, but what exactly do you mean by "Tonebars should be set to 3/8" at the back"?  is that the height?  and if so, height measured from where?  sorry if that's a dumb question, but i've thought hard about it and i can't figure it out.  i've read the online manual pretty thouroughly so i'm pretty sure i can adjust the escapement and striking line after i mess with the harp height.  thanks.
the last mod you suggested about reapplying the felts on the key peds instead of the hammers sounds like a good idea.  i'm trying a variation of the tie wrap mod at this point and it's working good, but i might want to try the other mod you mentioned too.  i'm assuming you had to take off the hammers to do this.  just how did you do that??  i know there's a couple threads on removing hammers, but i just don't really get it.  thanks.
hello.  i'm real new to rhodes pianos, but i've been attempting to fix up mine that i just bought with the help of some kind board members.  i've been trying to fix the escapement but i'm having to really crank down on the tone generators to lower the tines.  it's pretty much the tightest it can go.  i noticed some people talking about wooden shims between the harp and the harp support.  mine definitely has that, although i don't think they were added....they seem to be stock (they come stock right??)   they are sort of a particle boardish material and the one on the lower register side is about 1/4" and the one on the higher register is about half that.  if these aren't stock, should i take them out?  and if they are, can i shave them down or something so i can have some more headroom with lowering the tines?  thanks for your help.
so i tried the tape thing and i think it worked pretty well.  i've also been messing with the pick up placement and escapement.  i got it working much better than it used to, but still not totally satisfactory.  am i expecting too much out of the action on rhodes?  this is my first one and so i've never really spent much time on a rhodes till now.  i have no reference point for what is good or even acceptable action and what is not.  it's definitely not as sensitive as my acoustic piano or a keyboard.  is this standard?  oh, and what is the key bushing?  i've looked all around on the manual and can't find it.  oh yes, and one more thing, where is the "timbre adjustment screw" cause it talks about it on the manual under "timbre adjustment," yet i can't find it anywhere.  i've just found that messing with the two screws with the springs on the tone bar, helps to tilt the tine lower or higher in reference to the pickup.  is this ok?  thanks again.
cool, thanks.  i see the felts now.  is there anything that you recommend doing that would not be a mod, but just a tune-up sort of thing?  i'm not that interested in modding my rhodes (at least not yet), i more want to get this thing working properly.  i read the manual that's on this site and it talks about adjusting escapement distances, realignment of damper settings, etc.  should i try these?  plus, how in the world are you supposed to get in there and measure the escapement distance??  i'm just afraid that i'm going to be in over my head if i start.
hello.  i just bought a rhodes suitcase mark I recently.  i'm really new to this instrument and hardly know anything about it, but i've been trying to educate myself.  anyway, there's a few issues with it, my main concern being the action.  it's really tough and you really have to bang on some of the keys to get it to play.  after deciding that i can't afford to have it professionally set up, i decided to try it myself.  i looked on this site and found the "action inspection" page.  the first thing it tells you to do is to check the pedestal felts.  i removed the name plate and removed a few keys to find that i don't have ANY pedestal felts.  what's up with that??  is that normal?  any suggestion for remedying the action would help too.  thanks a lot.