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Messages - Michael

re: The video was taken spur of the moment... had to put down my phone to actually play. It wasn't tuned in about 10 years. So not exactly one of those pro shot videos. Ran it though a roland jc 77

I woke up this morning and watched an hour long youtube video on the Rhodes piano. Brought back a lot of ole memories for me... and while I don't visit this forum very often... I still come to read posts every once in a while.

Anyways, here's a video that I shot on my cellphone when I dug out my Rhodes piano this past summer. I bought it off of a musician that worked on Broadway. He lived in one of those apartment complexes in downtown Manhattan. Legit had to climb like 6-10 flights of stairs just to knock on his door. (HA, He was nice enough to help me carry it back down those stairs after I bought it.) It honestly needed a lot of work... and I likely over paid for it.

Nevertheless, it was the perfect beater for me to own. I had no fear just ripping it apart and learning how it worked. I tore off the tolex and sanded it down to zero and stained it. It came with a vintage vibe attachment to get the suitcase features. Glued in the speed bumps, re-did all the grommets, soldered in pick-ups, and tuned it the best I could. For the record, I use a wine cork to plunge the damper pedal.

Long story short, life threw me several curve-balls and all my vintage gear took a back seat in my life. I wanted to post my Rhodes here. It's mine. Like muscle cars... this is my muscle car. I tricked it out the way I wanted it to look, feel, and play.

So as 2024 rolls in... I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and funky year! My plan is to get back into music and finish what I started.

ps. It was forum member Ben Bove (bjammerz) who hosted the youtuber in the video. You sir are one cool guy. The name rung a bell and I logged in here - small world :)

Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / MXR Phase 90
July 20, 2010, 07:39:20 PM
I couldn't deal with the sound of a stock Phase 90 and recently was thinking about buying one just to do that mod.  Craigs List here I come! Nice write up Rob!

ANyone try that Phase 45?
Interesting Stuff Tim...

I'll have to run down to the corner store and pick up a copy of Keyboard Magazine.  (will have to get that "dialed in vibrato boost" when I get finally find a wurli in good shape.)

Yep, That's Page's (huge fan of his) Very inspired by his playing!
Highly interested in buying one of them too!
Please email me!!!

Actually, do you mind if I private message you my email address? (only reason why I want to do such, is to keep my name private)

I'm going to dig around and ask some friends about the conversion for you.
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / JC-77
May 28, 2009, 10:18:46 PM
Quote from: "keysandslots"Which part of the speakers "blew"?  I'm not sure if those are paper cones but if it was the cones, they can be replaced, I've done two pairs (Mission 700s and my Tannoy nearfields).  It takes patience but works out well.  There may even be replacement voice coils out there.


Pretty sure it's the cone that ripped.  You think Duct tape will work? I've heard old timers say.... SON "just put tape on the rip"
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / JC-77
May 28, 2009, 10:16:05 PM
Quote from: "andi85"Hmmm... as far as I know, the original silver cone speakers are an important factor. Have you contacted Roland? Maybe they have spares, recones or recommendations for replacement.

Huge Thanks Andi

Really? I never thought about the silver cones being an important factor.  hmmmm
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / JC-77
May 26, 2009, 09:36:36 PM
So I blew the speakers.  Really, looking for opinions on what to put in a JC-77.

I'm looking at these, but don't think they're out yet

Ragin Cajuns?

Thanks in advance,
get get a gander at this one  :shock:
Anyone know about accelerated rail punchings?

The one on the right side.  From what I've read, you point the side that's cut  toward the keys and they redistribute weight.  Obviously, i have no clue what I'm talking about.  I'm more interested in getting other peoples opinions or experiences with them.  

Also, take a gander at these.  Anyone ever try them? will they work with a Rhodes? Are they the same dimensions?
Dote: for the life of me... at the moment I can't remember what goes in the damper rail.  Nevertheless, I do have an extra metal rod,  the release bar that lies across the section.  If you want it, it's yours.  Just send a pm over.  

Ps. I don't post  how much I've been charging for my extra Rhodes pieces for a reason.
Please tells us how things work out.  We're always interested.  Funny, I'm looking for Wenol, to finally clean up the tone bars.

for kicks:
For what it's worth, I believe it's the tines.  I have a 77' suitcase that has the "bell" like tone, (which I love) and a 76' stage that simply can't can't be voiced to do the same.  I've spent countless hours trying.  It can't be done.  No pro can voice it alike imo.
Around 5 Minute mark.  Clarity

Looks like the 88 has some primo mods to it.

Any Ideas?
Guess I'm in the minority here, when I say "I really really like my Roland workstation."  

For one, I'm not happy with any digitally cloned Rhodes.  Nonetheless, I am satisfied with "one" rhodes patch, and that's really all I need. (The patch is called (125 "Jazz Rhodes") Yes, I've played the Yamahas / Nords / Kurzweils / and all of the Korgs, and I simply can't say any of them can actually kick my XV-88 to the curb.  

Then again Kurzweils piano patches don't really grab me by the balls either.  (I think it's rather transparent) To each his own, I guess.
Mark Ramos-Nishita has one also.  (And a clear Hohner d6)
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / Auto Wah
January 05, 2009, 07:55:30 PM
I LOVE EM.  (Q-tron.)  

Nonetheless, I'm not a big fan of using it with a Rhodes.  Takes the life right out of the tone.  It's also a tad cold sounding come to think of it.  The auto part is just like it sounds.  Your just not rocking the pedal.
Quote from: "jus"I've decided that I'm going to cut the lid of my case so I have a flat top to keep put things on(like the dyno pianos) I'm just wondering if anyone has done this themselves, and has any tips.

Thanks a lot,

I'm in the same boat.  I'd really like to have that flat top option.  If you look carefully at old pictures of the Dyno version, there's a metal guard of some sort covering the front.  Any ideas what this is fellas? would it be possible to replicate? was that the shielding?

There's literly one or two posts in the archives if you search, but most people seemed to have built there own instead of chopping the top.
Classic & Modern Fender Rhodes Artists / Bernie Worell
December 17, 2008, 05:48:45 PM
Quote from: "narb411"that was amazing, thanks for the post. that got me watching bernie videos for a while. i would love to see some more videos of him on the rhodes.

Bernie's the man.   It's actually a rare sight to see him on a Rhodes.  
Here's a few of my favorites in case you didn't stumble into them.

Talking Heads:
DVD Stranger:
Classic & Modern Fender Rhodes Artists / Bernie Worell
December 16, 2008, 07:50:30 PM
for all you Funkateers!!!

A true musical pioneer in my eyes.


You may or may not know about this, but a while back Robert Walters and his band got all his gear stolen.  Maybe 8 years back?

Anyways, the Wetlands had a fund raiser for Robert and his band.  Long story short, that night at the Wetlands was one of the funkiest Jams EVER.  What you really want to do, is track down a copy of that night's Jam session.  

I'm so serious.  It was huge.
Looks like they killed the butler in the library using the candle stick! Nice catch.
sweet looking suitcase though
Quote from: "Rob A"Freeze that first video at 2:07.

Notice anything unusual?

No 4 pin cable?  or any cable for that matter
Buying / Re: action
November 11, 2008, 07:55:30 PM
Quote from: "Fred"that's a removable panel to access the lower pickup.

Interesting stuff.  I've never seen one with a panel on the bottom.

I kid you not, last night I had to get on all fours and look under my Clav just to see if I had that panel.
Very Nice work Simon

Many Thanks,

great post Quatschmacher
Buying / Bidding on Action model :)
November 10, 2008, 09:50:59 PM
Quote from: "bjammerz"Unfortunately cost me $300.

On the other hand, somebody won out with the Clav for only $700.

Nice Score on that mini action piece.

As Per the Clav: What's that extra piece on the bottom? it looks like unnecessary real estate was added to cover up somthing?
Parts, Service, Maintenance & Repairs / Sustain Pedal
November 09, 2008, 09:31:18 PM
I used clear packaging tape for mine, and it worked like a charm.  Mind you, I tapered the wrappings so that it gains traction on the way in.  Just use more tape is my advise!
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / 1970 Suitcase
November 09, 2008, 09:26:16 PM
Quote from: "vocalchords88"How do I post an MP3 in here?

you can try using

first email yourself the mp3 file, and then click on the link that they send you and then cut and paste it here.
BJam: Just sent you a pm.

Pianorocker: Sorry, no extra sustain pedal......nonetheless, a Sustain pedal could easily be made out of stuff you can find at Home Depot.  They have 3 foot 1/4 inch metal rods for sale at like 2 bucks, Just cut it down to 18 inches with a lock cutter.  Then go to the plumbing area and find a collar to house the rod.  Slap a few pieces of wood together and add some hardware.  Bada Bing! a make shift pedal for $8 bucks.  If you want it to look nice, ya just gotta get a little more creative.  (I use a jammed  wine cork with the metal rod)

sending a pm about the legs...
Figured, I'd post a few pictures of some extra pieces that I have.  

I have alot of these hammers...

Quote from: "bjammerz"Do you have an octave of those '74 keys?  I'd love to grab thanks


They're in pretty crummy shape... I'll take a closer look to see if theres a full octave without cracks.

you're welcome to them if you need em. Take a look first, and if your still interested pm me a address.

Dor, It's on the house.  Just take a look before I send it to you
I took a look for you yesterday.  

I have a Scrap Mk1 from 74' that probably has the same keys as yours.  The only issue I have bringing it up is that the key isn't prestine, and bright like yours.  It's a tad off shade of a white. The key is fine though.

If your interested, it yours.  just let me know and I'll dig it out
Interesting: I'm taking the above piano apart for pieces... figured might as well post the info...

well, I ripped out the broken cheek blocks and found a date 6 April 17 1974
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Purchased for Pieces
October 23, 2008, 09:03:26 PM
Piano Serial Number:

Gold Badge with Fender (script) Rhodes Logo bottom right of harp

Name of "Model" on Badge:
Stage 73

Harp Production Start Date

TBJ Number if visible
Not Visible      

Harp Production End Date

0066 25

Standard Red Pickup

Plastic Shaft with Squared Wood End

Standard Square Neoprene

Fender/Rhodes script (on namerail, Back of Piano, and inner gold badge)

Standard Mark I Ribbed Aluminum

Fender/Rhodes Script Faceplate

All Silver Flat, Wide knobs with line indicator

Harp Cover:
Black Round Plastic

Harp Support Blocks

Wood Based

Standard leg set

Rear External Case Lid Hinges:
2 screws on rear

Key Pedestals:(if you know original configuration, not if you have a bump mod added later)
Flat with Red Felt

Single Metal Arm

Front Keypin felts:
Small Green

The previous owner lived on the 6th floor of a building with no elevator.  

Overall it was in decent shape, that is, if you didn't mind the fact that the tolex was stapled to the case and had rips & air bubbles all over it.  

I dismissed the aesthetics when I made the purchase because the thing sounded amazing.  It has really sluggish action, but oddly enough it kind of adds to the character.  

The superficial guts were replaced, though it still has most of the original hardware, the tolex was stripped, and the wood was stained. It has a real nice acoustic vibration when I play it now. (somthing that wasn't there before the overhall)  I'm still looking for a cabinet for her, and am probably going to put the bumps in sometime in the near future.
For future reference

Take a gander at this guys "pedal shootouts."
He basically does a/b comparisons of several
different pedals.  A while back I watched one of
his video's on the Phase 90's and decided I liked
the new reissue of the script better.

I actually bought the reissue script logo and I can
honestly say YES they are handwired.  

How do I know? They freaking sent it handwired BACKWARDS!!!
I returned it and bought a Small Stone.  (which I love)
Other Keyboards & Software Synths / Re: clavinet cost
October 23, 2008, 11:53:45 AM
Quote from: "jeff da rhode"Watching ebay/craigslist it seems that a clavinet will cost you about twice what a rhodes will.


Are they truly more costly pieces of equipment?  
Were that just fewer made and thus fewer on the market?

Only from my own personal observations.  They're alot rarer to come by than a Rhodes for what ever reason.  I saw only 2 D6's listed on Craigs list last year, but about a hundred or so Rhodes Pianos.  So in a way, I would argue that they should be way more expensive then what I've seen them selling for.
How did it go?

I meant to post a while back about the "Never Dull." It'll work wonders on it's
own, but found out that it you use a dremel and buff it after you'll, get a luster like no other!!!
Other Keyboards & Software Synths / roland 60's-70's card
September 25, 2008, 08:20:50 PM
I've been using the 60's-70's expansion card for a good 7 or 8 years, and to be honest, I like it more and more everyday.  Yes, it has its shortcomings, but so does every other modern day vintage emulation.  A prime example, just the other day when Richard Wright died (May he rest in Peace) I was jamming to something so funky, that for a just a minute, I ALMOST felt like Jimmy Smith on his worst night!!! I mean, how can you not like the Mutro Rhodes or that Sunset Strip?
I run a suitcase through one of those speakeasy pedals mentioned in the above thread.  It's a 5 pin cable to XLR, and it works great.
REally can't ask for much more out of that thing.  built like a tank too.
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Hi Ho...
May 27, 2008, 06:10:03 PM
Piano Serial Number:
k 610569

Black Ink Stamp Rhodes Badge upper right of harp

Piano Badge "Model":
Suitcase 73

Power Amp Serial Number

Harp Production Start Date
Black Stamp 2377

TBJ Number
010254 -TBJ

Harp Production End Date

Number Denoted Silver Tone bars (low register multiple bends, with numbers )

White tape pickups

Full Plastic Hammers

Standard Neoprene

Rhodes logo right in the middle of the rail.

Mark I Aluminum

Mark I silver Faceplate for EQ Slider

Volume and Vibrato Black Knobs with silver middle (w/ White triangle indicator), Black EQ sliders

Harp Cover:

Harp Support Blocks

Wood Based

Full Skirt keycap set Blacks-very glossy, more rounded edges '76~'83)

Hardshell Case lid:
Straight slope at keys side, all tolex

External Side Case Latches:(make sure they're not just missing, check screw holes)
Later Clamp Latches, 2 one each side (2 total)

Rear External Case Lid Hinges:
Later 6 screw double lip design, 2 on rear

Latches on Lid Leg Compartment:
Straps with Snaps

Suitcase Cabinet Legs:

Preamp to Poweramp Connector cable:

Sustain Bar Mechanism


EDIT: Changed " Gold plated tone bars"  To Silver... my bad... it does have a gold tint... Anyhow I'm also adding the "first key" code found on the Frame by the lowest "E"

The numbers are 69141