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Messages - drcarver

I got a pretty good deal on a 1974 model in decent shape.  I've been working this week on basic internal restoration. (grommets, screws, hammer tips, damper felts, etc.) 

bumps installed

Lots of surface rust on the tines, but its coming off.

My German is a bit rusty, but I think he likes it!  I've been seriously considering buying one of these...I miss playing my Rhodes live, but its just too heavy to lug to the gigs!  :)
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: vv backcheck mod
January 14, 2013, 11:31:33 AM
Quote from: David Aubke on January 09, 2013, 06:37:14 PM
drcarver, are you talking about the VintageVibe kit? I've gotten a couple of those and they had self-adhesive felt. Is that what you used or did yours come with a separate glue?

Mine just came with cardboard-backed felt and some cheap glue.  Maybe it was one of their earlier products...I did it several years ago.  At any rate, after I figured out that the glue was terrible, I used some good super glue.  Now they are super solid.  Probably one of the best things I've done for the action on my Rhodes.
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: vv backcheck mod
January 09, 2013, 03:16:35 PM
One other note to potential backcheck mod users. 

I put the mod on my mkII a while back.  It is probably the best thing I've done for the action.  I will say, however, that the glue they supplied to attach the felt to the metal pieces was pretty terrible.  Since installing, every single felt piece has fallen off at some point during playing.  I then attached them with some super glue and problem solved.
 ;)^Cool.  Gald you dig it.  The album should be finished by the end of the year, then a bit of time for mixing, mastering, etc...

PMs sent
Oops!  :P

My fault.  Should be fixed now.

There's a tab right under my banner.  Next to photos and likes.  Its a blue cube.  Click on that and it will take you to a download button.
I'm in the final stages of recording my first solo album, so I've decided to give away the first track for free to help me get the word out.  Just thought I'd share it with my friends here.  I've opened up a new Facebook page to promote and download.  I used my 1979 suitcase with a bit of overdrive on this track along with my Minimoog Voyager.

I'm covering keys and synth, but will be doing a little guitar and bass work on a couple other tracks.

Just head over to my new facebook page and click the free download link.

This track features

Me: Keys
Adam Nitti: Bass
Jeff Coffin:  Sax
Jason Palmer:  Drums

If you dig the track, send the page to your friends!;)

MOD: corrected link urk from "facegook" to "facebook"
If Rob isn't available, I'm starting up an online session business in the next couple of months (finishing up another big project right now).  Gimme a shout.  I can probably work it in.  Here's a little sample of my Rhodes.

Gorgeous refurb!  I love that tolex.  But..........Get it off that X-stand!! ;) :D ;D
Your old tolex should come off fairly clean if you take your time removing it.  Use those pieces to make templates.  Cut the new pieces a little bigger to account for shrinkage.  That is the easiest way IMO.

There are several videos floating around about retolexing.  Good luck!
Yeah, I'm going to agree with everyone here about the paint.  Here are some pics I took when I re-tolexed mine.  Even after sanding, you can see the joints, exposed screws, and even some staining from the old tolex.  Maybe if you used some bondo or something, then sanded it smooth, you could get a good surface for paint, but it probably wouldn't hold up as well as tolex, and would be a total PITA.

Here it is after:  You could call Vintage Vibe and most likely get just about any color of tolex you want.

I was talking with Vintage Vibe about building a 5-pin cheek block power supply.  They figured out that the electronics would be too bulky to fit.  In the end I got a floor unit from Speakeasy.  It is sturdy, and sounds great.  They changed the design that is pictured on their website though.  The cable is now permanently built into the box, which could be a tripping/breaking hazard... Just be careful.

What they advertise

What they will send you

The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: rhodes mk2
January 16, 2012, 03:19:41 PM
Sweet :)
Had the day off today, and finally got a chance to watch it.  REALLY great documentary!  Thanks a million for making this.
Just submitted my donation.  Can't wait to see it! :)
I'd like to get a copy of that as well... ;)
Hi,  Fellow suitcase owner here.  FWIW, here's my signal chain...

Suitcase (with my pedalboard in the effects loop)->Speakeasy power unit which has stereo outs(see pic)->Vintech 273->DAW

So basically, I never use the speaker cabinet.  The Vintech preamp has a small EQ section that I really like and makes it easier to do small adjustments to your tone.  Using pedals in the effects loop allows you to get all of your effects in stereo plus the suitcase vibrato.

Here's a video of said signal chain in action.

And a sound clip...

Power supply (also great if you play your Rhodes live so you don't have to lug around your speaker cabinet.)

I own a Prophet 08'...Had it for around 2 years.  I've never regretted the purchase, but I don't use it as much as I had hoped.  I tend to use it for pads and digital/plasticy sounding tones (if that description makes sense.  ;) )It is definitly a "specialty" synth and has a very distinct sound...Just another tool in the toolbelt.  I do agree about the interface though.  There's nothing reallly wrong with it, but it doesn't seem as intuitive as my Voyager.

Here's a pic of it in the studio  :)

The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / A rainy day groove
November 16, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
I had a little free time over the weekend, and decided to play around in the studio a bit.  Just a simple groove using my MkII and Moog. :)
^Thats how I keep mine set up.  Makes for a really nice hot/punchy tone, with lots of character in the decay.  When I need to get dirty, this is my go-to OD pedal:
Yes it is.  I use it mostly for pads, but it can do some great lead and bass stuff as well.
Here's a clip from a gig we did with our buddy Brent Mason.  I decided to haul the suitcase to this one!  Hope you enjoy :)

I used the 473 on that session...I ended up with the 273(2-channel version) for my home studio.  I absolutely love it.
Thanks guys!  Yeah, I was really pleased with the Rhodes tone on this one.  I recorded through a Vintech preamp, and liked it so much, I went out and bought one for myself the next week!  It works magic on a Rhodes.
Hey folks,

Just thought I'd share this quick video...My band is releasing an album very soon, so I thought I'd whip up a little promo video. Nothing major, just a few snippets that we took during our last session and a rough mix of one of the tunes. Lots of Moog goodness in this one.

We were also lucky enough to have our good friend, and bass virtuoso, Adam Nitti lend his expertise to these tracks. Our bass player recently moved to Vegas, and Adam was kind enough to come help us out! Thanks Adam!
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: hmmmmmm
July 25, 2011, 11:14:42 AM
I don't know about painting the tolex, but you can find white tolex.  I painted my lid white, and got really nice results.  The trick is to sand, and use a high quality clearcoat.  It's tough to see the tolex in this pic, but I used the brown gator skin from Vintage Vibe.

LOVE Truffaz...

this is my favorite from that series.   ;)

The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: 1979 action
February 28, 2011, 08:12:29 PM
Good post...I've never heard of that happening, but I could see how that would definitely affect the action.  I would also suggest a backcheck mod.  Really easy, and makes a huge difference IMHO. :)
Thanks for the kind words...I'm glad you guys dig it. ;D 

The melody that repeats throughout is from a tune on a solo project I'm releasing later this year (pardon the shameless plug!).  So keep an eye out for it.

Miguel:  I love your tone/playing.  I'd really like to hear a bit more. :)

I've tried to keep my setup simple, as outboard gear tends to vary quite a bit from session to session.  Right now, I'm running it in stereo out of a Speakeasy power unit, into my pedalboard, which has my go-to effects (Chorus, Phase, delay, OD, and reverb). I also run a Wampler compressor at its lowest setting at the beginning of the chain.  Form there, it goes straight into protools with a small amount of Eq. and thats it.  For this video, I also had a crybaby in the effects loop, but only engaged it when I wanted the wah.  99% of the tone is in the voicing/setup, which for me is a never-ending search.  Right now, I'm going for a more fundamental tone, with lots of attack and minimal "bell" tone. 
Man, I really liked that!  Great stuff.
Thanks ;D

Yeah I did new tolex/grille cloth last year, and recently hit the lid with some new paint.
I just took delivery of my new Moog voyager, and decided to do a short clip alongside my trusty Rhodes.  The Rhodes/Moog combo is tough to beat! :)

I've been using the EHX for about a year and am really happy with it.  It is a permanent fixture on my pedalboard, and sometimes sees some studio use. 

My ears prefer the EHX, but the MXR sounds really nice. 

Thanks for the comparison and great playing!
Have a look at the Wampler ecstasy drive.  I've been using one for about a year, and love it.
Those are special editions from Novamusik.  Great people to deal with.  I'm waiting on the low pass filter to come in.
So last year I restored my MKII, and my paint turned out a slightly different color than expected.  It didn't look bad, but I got bored with it and decided to change it.  What do you all think?


BIG +1 on that!  Cormac, drinks are on me if we ever meet!
Here's a quick demo I made of the Ecstasy pedal.  I wanted to give it to you in a musical context, so I did some backing tracks with it.  This is about where I keep it set, which is VERY subtle (I can try to give you some with more distortion if that is what you like).  I like to hear the Rhodes more than the fuzz...Just enough to give you that bite when you dig in.  Also, I should note that I didn't have my Rhodes handy, so this is cut with my Nord stage.

Excuse the sloppiness.  I cut all the tracks myself in a bit of a hurry.  The drums are from Stylus RMX.
That was what came to my mind too.  Luckily it sounds great out of the box.  My gear is stowed under our bus at the moment, but if you'd like, I'll try to get a sound sample after next week.
This is the best crunch I've ever heard.  It can be really subtle or you can crank it and get some ridiculous distortion.  Brian makes these individually by hand - and they are all AMAZING.  The lead time on them is about 4-5 weeks, but you can find them for sale new on ebay and other sites from time to time.  Since they are built for guitar players, he told me he'd be happy to tweak them for the Rhodes if needed.  I bought a stock ecstasy and nirvana chorus and didn't need to change a thing.

I'm in no way affiliated with Wampler Pedals - Just a big fan.
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Piano cover?
March 15, 2010, 02:22:08 PM
Nice find tjh392...I may bid on that.  

Although I really need something to cover it up while assembled.  It pretty much lives in the studio, so I'm really just trying to deter the looky-loos from having a go at it while I'm not around.  I may just need to have someone stitch one up for me.
Well, my new band just had our first gig and it was out-of-town, so I decided to bring along my beloved rhodes.  We are a jazz/funk/fusion band, so I figured I needed to represent.  It is a suitcase model, but I only took the keyboard and had a power supply mounted to my pedalboard.  I also brought my toolkit and all my extra parts - Just in case.  Luckily, everything went smooth and the Rhodes sounded great.  I'm having an ATA case built for it next week, so I can roll it around easier and store it under our bus.

Just thought I'd share the good experience.  

Anyone else travelling/gigging with their Rhodes?
For the lid, I just gave it a light sanding and painted.  The plastic has the "leather" look to it, so when you paint over it, the paint will take on the same shape.  I did 2 coats of primer, 4 coats of color, and 2 coats of clear.  I used a fairly expensive automotive paint from a company called Alsa, and am wondering if I could have gotten the same results with krylon for the color.  The clear was a 2-part formula that hardened quickly and really turned out nice.

I also painted my hardware, and it is flaking off just a little, but not really that noticable.  I sprayed the gold, let it cure for a week, then sprayed a clear laquer and let that cure for a week.  It is pretty strong, and definitely cheaper than a chrome shop.  For some reason though, the varnish took a little bit of the shininess out of the gold paint, but it doesn't look that bad.  For the hardware, I used krylon products.
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Piano cover?
February 22, 2010, 02:36:35 PM
Thanks!  That's pretty much what I'm looking for.  I didn't know the Rhodes slips didn't fit when the piano is assembled.

The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Piano cover?
February 22, 2010, 10:52:22 AM
I vaguely  remember seeing that someone (maybe Rhodes) made a cover to slip over the piano while not in use.  Does anyone have any info on these?  I'd like to keep my suitcase covered while in the studio to deter any visitors from having a go at it while I'm not there.  I've been using a moving blanket, but I don't think it is doing the trick.
That's how I use my suitcase.  I keep the speaker cabinet in the studio, and when I play the rhodes out, I just use a heavy duty "z" style keyboard stand.  You can buy power supplies that will still allow you to use the stereo tremolo.  Or, like garagebandking41 says, you can use the accessory jack, but I usually have that used up for my effects loop.
I've got one of these and it works like a charm.

I also have one of these and it is built very well.  Although, they are no longer making them as shown in the photo.

Now they come with the cable built into the box...It is a little bit of a hassle to deal with...I could see someone tripping over it or getting it stuck in a car door or something and having the cable ripped out.  I contacted them a while back and asked why I got a power supply that was different than advertised, and they said it was to cut costs, and that they would be happy to install a jack on the unit for $150. :roll:

Otherwise, it is a nice product and very well built.  I use it quite a bit.
^Thanks!  I was on the fence about the orange(it was supposed to be a darker, metallic copper), but I'm warming up to it.