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Messages - pcmancini

Thanks Guys!
Hi all,

When using an alternate to the stock legs such as this: do you attach your Rhodes in some way or do you just let the weight provide the stability.

IF you do attach it, how do you recommend to do this?

I have not played my Rhodes out but this coming soon!  Thanks in advance.


Thanks guys,
Anyone know of any good Steely Dan music books with accurate transcriptions?

You could try Ken Rich  No sure if they are in the Rhodes parts business but worth a call and they are in LA.

Hello back at you Mike.  So glad Tim is starting to get the word out. He may be one of the best kept secrets in the vintage keyboard world, although hopefully not for long.  For any and every Rhodes enthusiast, Tim does great work.  I took an instrument in that could barley be called a keyboard, let alone a Rhodes and Tim gave me back an instrument worthy of any Rhodes player.

One thing, he DID promise me a t-shirt once he got his business up and running. (And I will gladly pay for it!)

Anyway, if you need Rhodes services (or Hammond, Wurly, etc.) check out Retrolinear and Tim.

Quote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 01:51:36 PM
I wish they'd come out with another volume of Doors songs.  I really can't find other sources for decent transcriptions.

I bought the keyboard version of the Doors Anthology. It's useful for having all the chords, and I can generally figure things out from there.   But a lot of times, I miss some of the nuances, so I do like having transcriptions.


I am pretty much the same. I can generally figure things out with a decent starting point.  Can't wait to get this one though.  Thanks for the advise (and also thanks AFeastOfFriends for the confirmation.)

Quote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 12:46:22 PM
The bass line is just two arpeggiated chords throughout most of the song, so it's pretty simple (and it's there).

The solo sounds accurate to me, although I've never compared it note-for-note.  Everything in the book sounds like it was done off the original studio recordings and, as you likely know, The Doors improvised considerably on live recordings.


Alan, this is very helpful.  Thanks so much.  I will pick this up/order it tonight.
Got mine yesterday and watched about 3/4 of it.  I had to keep stopping and buying music in iTunes, then rewinding back to where I left off.  Have not been this excited about a DVD in a long time.  Great work and what a testament to the instrument with all these great musicians.  I wonder if there is another instrument that would compare?  Maybe the B3 or the Moog, maybe the Gibson Les Paul or Fender Strat?

Well done and thanks so much!
Quote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 11:55:32 AM
I have this book, which has pretty accurate keyboard transcriptions of Doors songs, including ROTS:

Comes with a CD, too, so you can play along. There's two versions of each song:  with -- and without -- keyboards.

Seems like most of the other Doors books on the market are piano books that have you playing the vocal line.


Thanks, I have seen this online.  Does this one do a good job of the piano bass line and the piano solo?
Yes, not saying I do not want to pay, just looking for best source.

Hi all, can anyone recommended a good source for piano sheet music with accurate transcriptions?

In particular I am looking for "Riders On The Storm" but also want to get a bunch of others.

I am not very knowledgeable on the digital download world of sheet music so recommendations on that aspect would also be appreciated.

Quote from: Fred on May 24, 2012, 11:08:50 PM
I read that John Paul Jones used a Rhodes live, but the No Quarter recording (as well as Stairway to Heaven) feature the Hohner Electra-Piano.

Pretty sure the live version from The Song Remains The Same is a Rhodes.  I do not have that CD so that is why the version is not on my list. (Not completely sure.)
Anyone have any good Rhodes playlists on their iPod?  Here are a few on mine but am always looking to add:

Get Back - The Beatles
Cause We've Ended As Lovers Jeff Beck Blow By Blow
Happiness Is Just Around the Bend-Brian Auger's Oblivion Express-Closer to It!
Chameleon-Herbie Hancock-Head Hunters
Watermelon Man-Herbie Hancock-Head Hunters   
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat-Jeff Beck-Wired
Trouble No More [Live]-The Allman Brothers Band-5/1/73 Nassau Coliseum [Disc 2]
No Quarter-Led Zeppelin-Houses of the Holy   

Quote from: leon-nelson on February 15, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
I have a stage rhodes not a suitcase one so can't really comment on issues you may have with installation. But I will say that I purchased and installed the Tine Bomb pre amp and its a great bit of kit. Makes a genuine difference to the sound.

never heard of this, looks pretty cool though, works well with the Stage?  Where do you get one.

Thanks, pretty much what I expected - just wanted to confirm before I went down a bad path.

Has anyone stripped off the old tolex and refinished the wood on their Rhodes (instead of re-tolexing?)  Wondering what the underlying wood is like (have not stripped mine yet) and if there are any inherent issues with doing this and for anyone who has done it what the process was.

Thanks in advance and any pics would be MOST welcome.

Check out Chuck Leavell's Rhodes, especially on disc 2 "Trouble No More"

Quote from: dresdner353 on April 01, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
A whole new meaning to the use of subtitles!

I know, pretty cool right?
any idea how he gets the sound?
I like more active threads too.  Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi, I did a quick search and did not find anything on this but please feel free to direct me if this has already been discussed.

I have a Black Pedal, fully functional and except for the paint it is in great mechanical shape.  What is the preferred way to repaint it so it looks "as new"?  Specific paint (and stripping) product suggestions would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance,

ahh all makes sense now.  if I had been at my Rhodes I probably would have figured it out.  I guess I thought it was some kind of weird ghost note.

Once again I appreciate it and can't wait to get playin' tonight!

Thanks again.  One quick question (and maybe a dumb one but) what exactly doe "Ee" mean in your chord voicings?

Thanks so much, I will give this a try.  The album is called CLOSER TO IT  and came out in 1973.  The current release has 2 versions of "Happiness" both of which are tremendous!  (You can get both on iTunes as well)

One of the better Rhodes jams out there IMHO.

Anyone know the two basic chords for Brian Auger's Happiness Is Just Around the Bend?

And if you have it the chorus as well.

Thanks in advance,
Very nice.  Your playing and the recording are great.  How do you mount your Clav on top of the Rhodes and keep it steady and level?

If it is a product please post a link and if it is a custom build photos would be VERY much appreciated.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / Re: Effects Pedals
December 28, 2010, 09:59:10 AM
Thanks Rob!
Amps, Effects & Recording Techniques / Effects Pedals
December 27, 2010, 12:19:25 PM
My Rhodes is pretty much done and after I finish the Tolex I am ready to start adding some effects pedals.  I know this has been discussed here but am looking for some opinions on which pedals people use and like.

Thanks all
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Mixer reccomendations
November 29, 2010, 02:01:11 PM
I am looking for some recommendations on an inexpensive 8 or 12 channel mixer.  I would like to be able to input a Stage Rhodes, a Synth, an EP, possibly a clonewheel, a CD player/iPod and a Mic.  Output to an amp or a PA, and a monitor.

What mixer feature do I need and what brands models are good (and bad).

Thanks in advance,
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / Re: List of CDs
October 16, 2010, 08:32:21 AM
Looks like it is back up and running!

Quote from: sean on July 28, 2010, 03:10:09 PM
I have a Hammond L122 that works pretty well, and all my friends think it is worth thousands.  They can't believe it when I tell them that I would have a hell of a hard time trying to get $200 for it.  IF I could find someone who wanted it, and IF they were geographically close, and IF they wanted to lug it back to their house, then they would certainly test it out and find that the minor imperfections make the organ less than a goldmine.  I love it, because it is good enough to jam and rock.  I would never sell it, because it lets me pretend I am BT Jones (well, a crippled and lame imitation of him, but...).


I love the L100 - had one for years but had to give it away!  At least I found a band that would take it.
The Fender Rhodes Electric Piano / List of CDs
October 09, 2010, 04:55:01 PM
One of my favorite sections of was the Record & CD Reviews section.  Has that been archived and moved and if not, is there any plan for it?

Thanks in advance.
+1 on the thanks.  I learned more about the Rhodes here than I ever could have scouring the net and the other forums.  (I wish there was a Hammond forum like this!)

What is the best type of knife, scissors, or sharp edge device to use to Cut Tolex?

Quote from: "Spaceduck"Are you saying you want to do the same thing but with silver paint? If so, I think that would be cool. I doubt it would be very noticeable, but maybe if you're under bright lights it could be pretty nifty.

I do not really know what mine looks like yet as I have not removed the piano from the case yet.  Thanks for the pic - that is exactly what I am looking for.

Yes I am saying I want to paint the inside of the bottom case in silver - the same mysterious silver paint they use on Gretsch Drums (or as close to it as I can come.  Gretsch does not tell or sell so I just have to go by what is on the net.)  It may have no impact other that some weird mojo.  But hey, it's my Rhodes and I don't think I am violating any Rhodes owner bylaws by doing this!

Thanks again
Thanks, I have no intention of painting anything except the case and I will not be doing anything to the key frame or any of the piano parts.

Thanks also for the suggestion on the part underneath the keys - would not have thought of that!
Does anyone have any pictures of the inside bottom of a Stage Case (Mark 1)?  Is there any overriding reason - as part of a restoration - to paint or not paint the inside.

I kinda have a weird thought in my mind to paint the inside of the bottom part of the case using the same silver metallic paint they use on Gretsch Drums.  Obviously it would not be seen once everything is put back together but - well just a thought and question.

Thanks in advance.
Guys, thanks so much for the quick replies.

Does anyone have any close up pics of what the end of the stage sustain pedal - the part where it connects to the rod - is supposed to look like?

I just bought a Rhodes and it came with a fully functional sustain pedal but the rod just  seems seems to be a thin cymbal stand.  I am going to buy the correct rod but I want to make sure the pedal has all the right parts too.

Right now it just has a small screw, washer and nut at the connection point.

Thanks in advance,
Is it possible to just connect a standard aftermarket sustain pedal to a Rhodes? I am not familiar with how this all works.
Hi all and thanks in advance for any help you provide.

I am a long-time Hammond player looking to get and get into a Rhodes.  My questions at this point is pretty simple.

What are the differences between the stage and suitcase models, vis-a-vie taking a suitcase and not using the amp with it?

If I buy a suitcase model can I go back and forth and what other parts (besides an external amp) are needed?

Is this an "easy" mod?
