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Show posts MenuQuote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 01:51:36 PM
I wish they'd come out with another volume of Doors songs. I really can't find other sources for decent transcriptions.
I bought the keyboard version of the Doors Anthology. It's useful for having all the chords, and I can generally figure things out from there. But a lot of times, I miss some of the nuances, so I do like having transcriptions.
Quote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 12:46:22 PM
The bass line is just two arpeggiated chords throughout most of the song, so it's pretty simple (and it's there).
The solo sounds accurate to me, although I've never compared it note-for-note. Everything in the book sounds like it was done off the original studio recordings and, as you likely know, The Doors improvised considerably on live recordings.
Quote from: alenhoff on June 05, 2012, 11:55:32 AM
I have this book, which has pretty accurate keyboard transcriptions of Doors songs, including ROTS:
Comes with a CD, too, so you can play along. There's two versions of each song: with -- and without -- keyboards.
Seems like most of the other Doors books on the market are piano books that have you playing the vocal line.
Quote from: Fred on May 24, 2012, 11:08:50 PM
I read that John Paul Jones used a Rhodes live, but the No Quarter recording (as well as Stairway to Heaven) feature the Hohner Electra-Piano.
Quote from: leon-nelson on February 15, 2012, 03:07:29 PM
I have a stage rhodes not a suitcase one so can't really comment on issues you may have with installation. But I will say that I purchased and installed the Tine Bomb pre amp and its a great bit of kit. Makes a genuine difference to the sound.
Quote from: dresdner353 on April 01, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
A whole new meaning to the use of subtitles!
Quote from: sean on July 28, 2010, 03:10:09 PM
I have a Hammond L122 that works pretty well, and all my friends think it is worth thousands. They can't believe it when I tell them that I would have a hell of a hard time trying to get $200 for it. IF I could find someone who wanted it, and IF they were geographically close, and IF they wanted to lug it back to their house, then they would certainly test it out and find that the minor imperfections make the organ less than a goldmine. I love it, because it is good enough to jam and rock. I would never sell it, because it lets me pretend I am BT Jones (well, a crippled and lame imitation of him, but...).
Quote from: "Spaceduck"Are you saying you want to do the same thing but with silver paint? If so, I think that would be cool. I doubt it would be very noticeable, but maybe if you're under bright lights it could be pretty nifty.