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Topics - Kbjazzman

Hi All
This year I just got empty cab with out speaker but the power amp part still there (5 pin) I need 4 speakers (12") What should be the brand name of new speaker( not vintage one) that work for the rhodes sound? I'll build the new suitcase cab for my 3rd MK V this year. I do some research and weber speaker is pop up. Any comment on this unit? Please recommend. Another idea.... I'll build the new tube amp system  (copy Twin reverb circuit from 65) and use the jansen speaker (If I can find 4 units) Any body use to build one before?
Check this new stage vintage paino out at korg website the concept is very good. Sound also interesting.

I want to try one if they come out at dealer store
After cleaning it's look ok now.

Cobo with suitcase is sound more darker than JC120 (but it's look good) is the question...after I have check all detail of both units it's seems that the new one have bigger knob than the old one and the name rail also have a diff texture as well anybody have info about this?
Here is the knob picture...
If I would like to get this 2 things work together what should I do? I try to connect cable from out put to input of this unit but sound is very weak. After I've search in this forum it's seems that I need a preamp unit install to convert it to be suitcase model. Is that right or I need another part to get it work together as well.  
Here is the pic

This week I've an offer from 2 guys that would like to sell Rhodes to me at the same time

one person have Mk2 Suit case
another one have EK10 (Mint) but may be have some problem about electronic board

What should I pick and what should be the price? Please recommend.
I just upload my Rhodes with JC 120 Amp on youtube websit please feel free to comment
I'm try to search info about tine of Mark V but cannot find info that much.
Does rhodes mark V share the same tine spec. with another model? Is every tine are interchangable? From my understanding the diff point of Mark V from another model is only plastic hammer part. Any advise are appreciate. Thanks
I'm interesting to buy a new Amp for Rhodes which model you guys will recommend. Thanks in advance
I wonder that... Can I swap sustain pedal from 1 model to another model or not? My mark V didn't have sustain pedal come with it so... I have an idea to order new MK I pedal and modify (if need) Any recommendation guys?
Thanks in advance
I've seen Mr. Richard Tee playing Rhodes in DVD concert  in the park of Simon & Art last night I'm very impress with the way he play. Anybody can recomend me his music work inform of DVD concert or Audio CD album?
I've found Super Twin Reverb 1978 pop up in my area. The reverb rail was changed but speaker is original. Anybody have try this amp before? How much should I paid for 80% condition
Thanks in advance
MXR Phase 90
Anybody know the MXR Phase 90 that was made in 1980 era look like? Is it come with the extra DC jack or not? How about the knob? What does it look like? Thanks in advance

Now I'm interesting in Wha pedal "Crybaby 535" or "535Q" Any diff between this model? when you use with your Rhodes
Hi all
I just have a chance to own Rhodes mark V at my private studio. Now love it's touching very much. After checking the condition inside my unit.... it need a lot of cleanning and tunning on some key. Fork & tine get rusty. Anybody know the proper way to clean it + tune it?  I've to do it by my self Coz' in my area we have no capable tech guy.
Thanks in advance