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Old 200A amplifiers

Started by beginnersluke, May 14, 2019, 10:13:41 AM

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It seems the business of replacement amplifiers for the Wurlitzer does pretty well, so my question is:

What do people do with their old amps?

I never see them come up on ebay or craigslist.

I am still working on rebuilding my 206A, but as these projects go, it's cost more than I wanted, and my wife (wisely) insists we should spend money wisely and not spend everything on music equipment (so the kids can go to college in a few years or something).

I'll slowly save and get a Warneck amp in the next few years, but for now would just like to add Vibrato to my current amp. (It sounded okay before really. I'll probably replace the caps and be happy.)

The kit from VV is like $110, which may be a fair price (the LDR alone is $25, even if I got all the other parts from Mouser or Digikey), but that's a lot to invest in an old amp when a new VV amp is $275.

But these old amps that get replaced have to be around somewhere right?




Rather than assuming changing the amp because others are doing it, ask yourself what you want out of your vintage Wurlitzer?

Do you want the classic sound heard on countless albums?

If so, then hang on to your amp.

The reason you won't see the original amps up for sale is because not every one wants to change the character of the original just to gain a few cents of a db in hum control.

There are people who "upgrade" just for the sake of upgrading. But is changing the character of an instrument an upgrade?

In the end, changing the original parts of a vintage instrument devalues it. That's something else to consider.

Ever hear the Wurli/vocal version song Woodstock by Joni Mitchell?