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CP70 Chain lengths

Started by 4kinga, October 07, 2019, 01:52:53 PM

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My CP70m doesn't have sustain pedal chains.
Could someone please measure theirs?
I love the piano, but the wandering sustain pedal drives me nuts!


Not at home with my piano at the moment - but... The method you should use is to get some not too stretchy cord and fasten it between the front legs and the pedal attachment points.
You do this with the pedal positioned in the position comfortable for your playing position, and adjust until it feels right. The push rod should be reasonably vertical but can be at a slight angle to accommodate your leg length and seat position. You now have the perfect measurement for your chain lengths. If you don't have the attachment fittings for the chains to the front legs you can just use cable ties.

Co-author, "Classic Keys: Keyboard Sounds That Launched Rock Music"

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I'll give that a try tonight.