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Removing harp supports from frame on 1976 Mk1 88

Started by 76er, April 11, 2022, 01:13:24 AM

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I've purchased the Vintage Vibe Rhodes refurb kit and need to remove the aluminum harp supports and action rail from the frame on my 1976 Stage 88. There are two bolts, on either side, but those don't appear to be the only thing securing these to the wood, as loosened them without being able to separate them from the frame. There are several things that look like bolts held in place with flat, rectangular washers that don't look like they were meant to be removed. However, I don't see any other points of connection. Any ideas? I've checked the service manual and couldn't find anything about it.


I'm not sure if this is what you need, but there are screws at the bottom of the wooden frame: "support block mounting screws"