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QUESTION: Need help deciding on a DI box for Rhodes 73 Stage Mark II.

Started by arska29, June 11, 2024, 05:38:21 PM

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The title says it all pretty much. There seemed to be some discussion earlier on the topic, but it was a little while ago. Out of the options available today, if anybody has had experience and has had a chance to get to know different ones to decide on a go-to DI, I'd love to hear it. I currently don't have funds for the most expensive REDDIs or RNDIs so if there is a sub-300€/$ option preferably, please let me know. if something spectacular is a bit above that price, im still interested! Also a preamp is something I'm not completely against, but not sure if a good model is available at my price range... (and i need a DI anyways.. for bass etc) Any help is appreciated, even if you don't have experience with all of the different ones. Feel free to tell it here if you have something that works within my specifications.

The Real MC

Any active DI with minimum 1Mohm input impedance.  Plug the DI directly into the harp.  Rhodes pickups are sensitive to loading and if the input impedance of a DI is too low then the tone will change and/or noise will be louder.

My personal preference is the Countryman Type 10 DI, next best one is Radial J48.