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Noise on Rhodes Mk II Suitcase

Started by byronvoyle, November 18, 2024, 02:33:31 AM

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Hello, When I turn on the Rhodes Mk II Suitcase amp, the speakers make a loud thumping noise and there is noise at high volume (disappears when unplugging the RCA cable or disconnecting the preamp). I have checked the ground but it does not fix it. Has anyone had the same problem? Thanks.

Alan Lenhoff

One possibility: Suitcase pianos of this era are prone to intermittent failures caused by cold solder joints where plastic Molex connectors are soldered to the amp boards.

Take a look here and in the other threads mentioned in that discussion:

If this is the problem, a soldering iron will fix it, and using a little hot glue to keep the connectors from coming loose again will keep the problem from recurring.


Co-author, "Classic Keys: Keyboard Sounds That Launched Rock Music"

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1965 UK Vox Continental;1967 Gibson G101 organ; 1954 Hammond B2; Leslie 21H; Leslie 31H; 1974 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73; 1972 Rhodes Sparkletop Piano Bass; 1978 Hohner Clavinet D6; 1968 Hohner Pianet N II; 1966 Wurlitzer 140B; 1980 Moog Minimoog Model D; 1983 Roland Juno 60; 1983 Roland JX-3P; 1977 Fender Twin Reverb; Vox AC30CC2X amp.
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