one vintage vibe tine sounding "dull"

Started by QuincyC., December 17, 2024, 01:59:45 PM

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I am still kind of new to the game,
recently I bought a used vintage vibe concert (the rhodes I had bought had more problems than I had spare time for), and I noticed one note sounding more "dull" than other, a bit more "damped" and quieter; I'm pretty sure it's not the pickup, so I took out the tine and it looks like this, picture below. The "stick" is sticking out of the "rectangle" at the end, could this be the problem and does anyone know a fix?

thanks for adding me to the forum,


The attachment seems to have been lost in the last post


Hi Quincy,

Welcome to the forum!

Did you try adjusting the pickup or the voicing before removing the tine?

It could very well be a bad tine but you should make sure it isn't just a volume or voicing issue first.


I am not an expert either but I cannot imagine that the fact that the tine sticks out a mm or so has an influence on the sound.
I also had one tine ("middle C") in my Rhodes which did not sound "right".
It actually sounded a bit "dull" but mainly the tone decayed faster than on surrounding keys.
To determine the cause, I first replaced the grommets, then swapped the tone bar assembly to the "B" position below middle C. That did not change the decay issue. Then I mounted the C-tine to the B-tonebar and screwed it to C location. No improvement.
I was then pretty sure it was a tine issue. Even with a x20 magnifying glass I could not see any issue with the tine. The spring was sitting firm and the tine end was angular.
I bought a new tine and the issue was gone.
Be sure to check whether the screw from the tone bar to the tine is tight and the tine an tone bar are parallel.
(Btw, you don't see the pictures if you are not logged in).