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Rhodes Piano - and clones

Started by ZeroZero, January 29, 2025, 04:06:05 AM

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My first post here. I have a few keyboards, an A100, three Leslies, an SKX pro, Roland 700NX and a Nord Stage 4 and a Yamaha 6k61. I also have a Real Rhodes Mk8 on order.
I am currently looking at swapping out my Nord Stage 4 for the new Roland V-Stage which is creating a lot of interest an NAMM.

This keyboard is for gigging purposes. I want to travel as light as possible. There are two versions the 88 with Weighted action and this would be Roland's PHA4 action, modified, or the 72 note  version which has a new Roland Waterfall Keybed.

I have never owned a real Rhodes and I don't know how they play. The Mk8 has a totally new action.

I do play Hammond but my real love is the Rhodes, I hardly every play the pianos on my Nord, I find them harsh and unrealistic. Overall I am not so impressed by this board. The new Roland V stage has a much better EP panel and a much better VDU which allows you to immediately reach settings for instruments and gives a better choice of relevant tweaks. I have a lot of respect for Roland Modelled instruments. The Pha 4 action is found on Roland student instruments, they say they chose this as it works better than their premium models on Ep and Hammond clones. Not sure if this is not marfketing.
My question is this. Would you guys suggest going for a hammer action or waterfall action to play Rhodes piano? I know that a Rhodes is technically a piano, but it uses tines and the original keybeds, which again I have never played, are probably quite basic by today's standards.
I do play Hammond on my Stage 4 and I find the swipes awkward. But would a waterfall action hamper delivery of Rhodes sounds?

Would appreciate the views of real Rhode playersZ


The MK8 has a more refined version of the original Rhodes action but it is still essentially the same design as the originals. See here for an overview of what that entails:

A hammer action would be closer to the feel of a Rhodes than a waterfall style keyboard but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better. Unlike on a Clavinet or Hammond, the Rhodes key feel has nearly always been thought to be the weak point in the playing experience (save for a few key years or pianos that have been modified).

A lightweight waterfall action might make more sense if you prefer quick runs/solos in your playing whereas the hammer action would probably be better if you need more control over the dynamics for chords.

Hope this helps!


I don't think I would like an organ-type action for the Rhodes.

You will want a hammer action.  However, I would rather deal with a "weighted" action than a super-heavy Yamaha action for the Rhodes.  Roland FP10 flimsy action might be just right.  But only your fingers will know for sure - go play them at ye olde music store.

I haven't touched the Roland V-Stage, but one NAMM-responder posted a video that asked why not just get a Fantom.  This guy: