Dribbling Hammers

Started by DanTheMan, November 10, 2004, 06:29:31 PM

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Ok, so I've posted many different times in different forums about this problem, but I think (once again) I've finally figured my problem out, but I don't know how to fix it, again. For whatever reason, my hammer is "dribbling" on my tine, meaning it hits it and immediately bounces back, muting the tine. The whole hammer just goes up too high; I've compared it's strike height to other hammers, and it's almost always higher, just like it almost always "dribbles". So, does anyone know how to fix this? I've tried a separate hammer that I have, different, hammer tip, and have had no success. The only factor that might be affecting this, although I'm not sure, is that the little metal pin that holds my bridle strap is missing on that damper, so I have it duct taped on, which seems to work just as well when lined up right, but could that possibly be it? I have no spare dampers to test that out. So, PLEASE, if you have any suggestions, let me know.
Thanks a lot,


Could be a number of things. Broken damper pins indicate a well worn rhodes, or one that has been messed with at some stage. The bridle strap length must be correct in order for the damper/hammer relationship to work correctly.

You need to have a look at the plastic modules the hammer is mounted in a see if they are worn/broken or not screwed down properly. I think key pedestal felt wear can also cause this. Also check the hammer cam to see if it worn, and the action rail to see if it is screwed down tightly and correctly located. Have a thorough read through the online manual. You need to understand the fundamentals of the rhodes action to sort this problem out.


Hi, I have the same problem with my Mark II, but I didn't have any problem with this, unless I have sprayed with silicon spray the back of the hammers, where they have contact with pedestal felts to improve the action!!! The action is better, that's for sure, but some hammers now hit the tine too hard (when I hit the key harder - as I was accustomed before) and on the way back the hammer bounces and hits the tine again and damps the sound! Again - only some of the keys do this now.
I don't see any solution and it drives me mad. :(