Voicing after new hammertips

Started by Dan Belcher, December 25, 2007, 01:58:38 PM

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Dan Belcher

Well, I just installed new hammertips (my mom ordered them from Speakeasy as a Christmas gift since Major Key never replied to my e-mails the past couple of months, despite having good service from them in the past).  The piano pretty much feels like brand new now!  The action is much more responsive feeling and natural.  The treble end of the piano sounds phenomenal (no more clanking keys!)  Unfortunately, I now need to go through and work on the voicing, etc. since the hammertips weren't the exact same height as the originals, particularly the second softest tips under middle C.  On the bass notes, I'm now getting quite a bit of treble overtone on softer notes, and it comes through over the bass sounds even.  What's the best way to compensate for this?
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73

Miguel Tuna

"Tuesday, December 11: We are very sad to say that John R. McLaren is in the hospital due to serious illness, and for the time being production has been halted. Since we normally build-to-order, we regret that we are not able to accept new orders at this time. We anticipate that John will recover fairly soon and then we can resume production and taking orders. Of course, we will post this news here on the Major Key home page."
'79 Mk1 Suitcase

Miguel Tuna


Dan Belcher

Damn, that sucks to hear.  It does explain things though.  (That info is from after I last e-mailed them -- I e-mailed them in probably October or November actually)  Any word on how John's doing?
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73