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Started by Rob A, April 01, 2008, 11:28:49 PM

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Rob A

Christopher Ross's post about suitcase trouble opened my eyes to something that I had been unaware of previously. Maybe I'm the only one who was clueless, but here we go nonetheless.

Those connections on the suitcase bottom are every bit as useful as inputs as they are as outputs. So if your preamp is fritzed, or oyu're missing the magic cord, get yourself some kind of stereo FX box with some input gain (I have a Lexicon MPX100, it has input and output gain, WOO!), hook up the harp output to the input of your box (by the FX send works just fine) and run the stereo outs to the pair of in/outs in the suitcase bottom, and you've routed around your preamp! No modding needed at all.

And for further amusement, a Mark II name rail has a slot pre cut that's not quite wide enough to take in a 19" rack box (mine are mostly 17" in the chassis) , unless maybe you mounted it from the back side.

Damn, before I paid someone 60 bucks for a magic suitcase preamp cable, I'd definitely entertain the notion of bypassing the whole preamp package by installing a used reverb unit for the same bucks (I paid 30 bucks for my box).

Mark II

wow, interesting fact. thanks for sharing, Rob.

Mark II
Rhodes Stage 73 Mark II 1980 / modified Peterson Suitcase Preamp

Ben Bove

An interesting thought!
Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet


Yeah, a simple and good idea... I just recommend anyone who plugs the amp this way is to disconnect the 4 pin cable (I assume you're talking about Peterson amps, since the 100W has dedicated inputs), otherwise you'll route a signal backwards to the preamp output... and that's not a good idea...  :wink:

1979 Mark I Suitcase 88
Hammond B3
Leslie 760