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BBE Sonic Maximizer.......What is it?????

Started by tomnardozza, March 23, 2008, 07:56:49 PM

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....and what does it do?   I remember someone (forget who it was), mentioning it on here and i'm just curious to know what it is and is it worth having for a Rhodes.  Thanks!!
"What's in a name? that which we call a rhodes
     By any other name would smell as sweet......"

Rob A

I've certainly mentioned it. I own one. It's really hard to describe what it does exactly. But I really really like it. It kind of de-muddies the lower mids, plus other general improvements that you can't quite get with EQ.

Here's a demo:

Mine stays pretty much permanently patched in to the FX loop.

QuoteDo BBE Sonic Maximizer processors create any harmonics like exciter and enhancer effects units?

No. BBE technology does not work like exciter and enhancer effects. Typcially, exciter effects are associated with creating artificial harmonics through small amounts of overdrive in the high frequency band. This can prove useful in some recording studio situations, particularly in remastering older analog tapes. However, in today's recording and playback audio environments, there is no need to artifically simulate high freqencies lost through degradation of the original source tapes.

Enhancers are generally associated with equalization, however there are some products which attempt to combine exciter and enhancer effects with the result being harsh and fatiguing to the ear with no actual improvement in clarity and definition. Generally, enhancer products are marketed to appear as though they are more sohpisticated than multiband or parametric equalizer units, however, this is seldom true.

BBE is totally different than exciter and enhancer effects units. BBE High Definition Sound technology is not an effect, but restructures the signal in such a way which allows speakers to more correctly and faithfully reproduce the signal. The best analogy for BBE technology is like eyeglasses for your audio system.

I don't know if that analogy makes sense or not, but I like the sound.


thanks for the info....i guess for $50 used i can't go wrong!!   you are volvoxburger, no?  if so, will it make me play like you too??!???!?  also, do you have the rack mounted one and could i possibly cut it into the faceplate of my mkI without hitting the hammers?

thanks again
"What's in a name? that which we call a rhodes
     By any other name would smell as sweet......"

Rob A

Yeah, my last 15 Youtube videos or so are done through the BBE. I have the 462 rack unit, it's two in one box ( I just use one channel).

As for modding it into the rail: Back in the 80s I owned a mark II and I modded in an active Yamaha guitar preamp. I'm 100% confident you could do it. But (there's always a but) you are talking about an AC-powered device. The power supply will have hazardous voltages, so leaving it exposed would be a significant safety issue.

There is a version called the sonic stomp that may be more suited to a namerail mod. 9V batteries are pretty harmless. I'd definitely go this route if I were modding. And I'd skip the bypass switch.

Major key harmonic clarifier is pretty much the same thing ready to mount.

The Real MC

I am not a fan of the BBE Exciters.

For getting mud out of Rhodes, I get a lot more mileage with my Tubeworks Bluetube preamp (the rackmount one)



i got the rack model (462 i believe) for $50.  apparently it won't work with my stage or sparkletop model, but will work with my mark I or II suitcases through the 1 & 2 jacks on the I right???  i have the amps out to get freshened up so i can't really test it on them right now. you have the suitcase right???  is that how you hook yours up?

"What's in a name? that which we call a rhodes
     By any other name would smell as sweet......"

Rob A

I put mine in the loop, yes, but there's no reason at all you can't run the stage into input and run output to your amp or whatever. You'll only use one side of the thing.

Tim W

Actually, the BBE process affects EQing very slightly as well as phase information vs. frequency.  

The Major Key Harmonic Clarifier uses a BBE IC, which is basically a box of programmable opamps configured as filters and gain stages when hooked to the appropriate external components.

'Lo contour' is more or less a bass tone control that boosts the lower frequencies (EQ). You can set this to your liking.

The 'Process' control enables the phase delaying characteristic to start taking effect.  Lower frequencies are delayed very slightly as compared to higher frequencies.  As such, the higher frequency information in a given signal reaches your speaker and ears BEFORE the low frequency information.  This results in us hearing greater clarity in the sound.  There is also a tiny bit of EQ boost added to the high frequencies.

To put it in perspective, if you play a note on your piano, the high frequency content and 'bell' like 'clink' sound of the hammer hitting the tine actually makes it to your speakers a slight bit faster than the fundamental part of the tone.  i.e. the upper harmonics get to your ears faster than the lower harmonics.

So, it is not pure EQing, but also altering the phase information of a signal that gives the BBE process its unique effect.



I have plans around the house somewhere for an "exciter" box (that doesn't quite sound right).  These plans appeared in an Electronic Musician article quite a few years ago.  I sent a note to the author asking him about building a box for me and his reply stated he could not because he had been informed by BBE that some of what his box did infringed on their copyrights.

If anyone is interested I'll try and find the plans.

Some of my stuff can be checked out at tune and tune and CD and even tune


I have the BBE Sonic Stomp and I really like it. It can really give the bass end some kick and it can also clean up your tone a bit. If I had a chance to get one... I would get one. I havent ever used the sonic maximizer rackmount version but Im sure its really cool too.
1978 Fender Rhodes Stage 73 (3978) 
Roland JC-120 
BBE Sonic Maximizer 
Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble/1982 Boss CE-2/1982 Ibanez CS-9
1978 EHX Small Stone/EHX Polyphase
MXR Analogman Dyna/Ross
1974 Thomas Organ Wah

The Reverend

Quote from: "keysandslots"I have plans around the house somewhere for an "exciter" box (that doesn't quite sound right).  These plans appeared in an Electronic Musician article quite a few years ago.  I sent a note to the author asking him about building a box for me and his reply stated he could not because he had been informed by BBE that some of what his box did infringed on their copyrights.

If anyone is interested I'll try and find the plans.


well damn randy I'd be very interested in that, being somewhat able to hold a soldering iron and such, that's a very kind offer 8)
"Nasty, talking to a slightly deaf journalist, had claimed only that the Rutles were bigger than Rod"


Done.  Turns out the plans I have are similar to the old Aphex Aurel Exciter and not the BBE stuff.  Probably very similar 'though.

Some of my stuff can be checked out at tune and tune and CD and even tune