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Pre amp for my rhodes!

Started by chnum, June 04, 2008, 11:52:44 PM

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Ill keep this short and simple, this has probably been answered 500 times over so sorry for that.

I have just purchased a 1975 Mark I Stage 73 and I wanted to know what is the best over all pre-amp.

I heard that the THE BLACK BEAUTY PRE AMP from vintage vibe has some great reviews but is there anything else out there that would be of interest?



You're right, it has been asked alot.  Do a bit of searching around the forum, you'll find all sorts of information.  

Some of my stuff can be checked out at tune and tune and CD and even tune


There are a lot of good preamps for Stage Pianos. I have the Stage Vibe from Vintage Vibe. Main advantage : it's integrated to the front rail and sounds really creamy.

But you also have preamps from Reussenzehn (specially for Rhodes) with 2 tubes, or the one from "Taste und Technick" (in Germany), with an integrated tube preamp and stereo tremolo circuit.

In USA you have the products from Speakeasy Vintage that are very good, in form of a floor pedal or as a rack.

But keep in mind that you can also take a "classical" Mic preamp, or a good channel strip. Expensive but awesome sounding. It also works perfectly with your stage piano.

But search a little bit on this forum. There are plenty of posts about preamps.
Fender Rhodes Stage 1971
Fender Rhodes Suitcase 1973