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MXR Phase 90 question + Wha pedal

Started by Kbjazzman, July 30, 2008, 04:45:08 AM

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MXR Phase 90
Anybody know the MXR Phase 90 that was made in 1980 era look like? Is it come with the extra DC jack or not? How about the knob? What does it look like? Thanks in advance

Now I'm interesting in Wha pedal "Crybaby 535" or "535Q" Any diff between this model? when you use with your Rhodes


I have the 535Q, don't know the 535... but I can tell you that the 535Q is very good and all the stuff you can edit like the Q is very usefull. also has a gain boost.
1976 suitcase 73 - 70's small stone phaser - MXR phase 100
Wurlitzer 200a (in restoration)
Clavinet E7 - EH mini Q-tron - CryBaby 535Q
Casio VL-1
Several hohner Melodicas


The Phase 90 from the early eighties would look exactly like all the new ones you see on ebay, EXCEPT that it would NOT have the LED.  The logo would be block lettering (not the 'script' lettering).

The knob looked just like all the new ones you see on ebay, but the unit should have come with a little rubber knob cover that:
    1.  made it possible to change speed with your foot, and
    2.  probably got lost.

There would NOT be any connector for an external power supply.  They would be battery-only.

Here is a -NEW-not-eighties- Phase 90 WITH the LED, but it shows the block logo and rubber knob cover:

I always thought that the rubber knob cover was the best feature of all my MXR stomp boxes, and I didn't like the fact that the two-knob units shipped with only one rubber knob cover.

I am also upset that I never bought a Phase 90 back then.  
I still have a Distortion +, Dyna Comp, and Micro Flanger... but no phaser.

I never understood why you would want an LED on the stomp box to bleed the battery dry even faster.  If you can't tell that it is on, then... DUH!

Here is the really pathetic part:  one of the major reasons that red LEDs were added to stomp boxes (and lots of other gear) was that, back in those days, the red LED was 'modern cutting-edge technology' and 'cool'.  It was the bling-bling of those days.  (I will always hate the red LED, because it killed the VU meter.)



Last week I've a chance to own this phase 90. Is this unit come from 80' eara