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CP-70 price check

Started by Rob A, June 19, 2008, 09:46:31 AM

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Rob A

There's a local CP-70B up for sale, although the seller doesn't describe it as such (this is good). Edit: they've got it described correctly now.

What are current opinions of value on these beasts? I haven't gone to see it myself but it looks to be in very good condition.

I really don't want it but I may be able to steal it.

Mark II

Germany: I would say 1500 - 1800 Euros in mind state. But I dont watch them on a regular basis, I love the rhodes, no need for a wurlitzer or CP.

Rob, you know that you are able to search for completed auctions on EBAY ?
You might want to take a look there just to get an idea concerning the price:

kind regards

Mark II
Rhodes Stage 73 Mark II 1980 / modified Peterson Suitcase Preamp

Rob A

Yeah, those were all 0 bid auctions though. Not too indicative.

eBay is always tough to read--if one of those sellers had started off at a lower price, the thing may have sold for far in excess of the 800 dollars start bid he had. You just don't know.

"Somewhere under 800 bux" seems to be all the data you can get from ebay.


I wouldnt pay any more than $950 for a really nice one honestly.  People seem to want to sell these for astronomically high prices and the sad thing is that people will pay high prices for them. They are awesome sounding and the action is incredible. I havent ever heard a sample that comes even close to one. They are huge and a lot to lug around. Unless you are the hulk you will need two people to move it. If I were you and had a chance to get one I would jump on it IF it was reasonable. I picked mine up for $650 in good shape 20 minutes away, AND with the fact that someone took out that AWFUL 2 pin XLR power supply input and replaced with a regular 3 prong input for a cable like you would plug into the back of your computer (I dont know the technical term for them). Anyways, if it is reasonable jump on it because the sound is like nothing else PERIOD.
1978 Fender Rhodes Stage 73 (3978) 
Roland JC-120 
BBE Sonic Maximizer 
Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble/1982 Boss CE-2/1982 Ibanez CS-9
1978 EHX Small Stone/EHX Polyphase
MXR Analogman Dyna/Ross
1974 Thomas Organ Wah

Rob A

It's not flying away at the asking price. The guy wants $1k for it. I haven't gone to play it yet.


I traded a mint condition B3 and Leslie 122 for my CP80. I love my Yamaha. I play it every day, and actually don't play live that much anymore because playing a digital reproduction of the real thing is like sleeping with a random chick instead of the woman you're in love with.
I only paid $1300 for the organ in 1996, and had made that money back already renting it out to bands passing through. I was in a touring reggae band, but they didn't have the room for a Hammond, even with a bus and trailer. So I made do with a VK-7 and the organ wasn't getting played much. Now I have an L103 and a 147...the organ is even sweeter with a spring reverb inside!

If you're a piano player, you will never regret having a CP80 or 70. I play mine with the lid up and no amplification a lot of the time...but it's also a blast to play through effects. Gabriel, U2, Talk Talk, Costello...


QuoteI traded a mint condition B3 and Leslie 122 for my CP80.
Dude, you got hosed...
Head Designer of the Vintage Vibe Tine Piano
Electric Piano Technician in New Haven, Ct.
(203) 824-1528

Ben Bove

It's BS how much people are asking for B3 and Leslies nowadays.  I wonder how many they actually sell.  There was just a B3 with 2 leslies for $15,000.  I mean, how exactly do you break that down?  $3,000 a piece for the leslies, and $9,000 for the organ??  People can be pretty ridiculous with them.
Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet


I agree. I rarely see anyone tour with a real B3 either, and even DeFrancesco uses a [very nice] clonewheel. It's just the vintage craze. You can buy M3's for from cheap to free or get a spinet and have all kinds of fun with them without spending that kind of money. And in my search last year for a Leslie I found several B3's and a C3 for under $2500, it's just a matter of being patient and keeping you eyes open.

My first electric piano was a CP 30. There are no strings in that unless I'm mistaken. It was a nice board...for 1979, but now I would say only buy it if you love it and it's cheap.


I've been watching CP70 prices for a few months. Ebay, craigslist, google searches, etc. It's absolutely confounding what I've seen.

Last week a CP70B sold in New York for $250
A week before that one went for $1600 (eBay)
Right now there's a guy in Louisiana asking $450

On craigslist most people are asking around $800 but no one seems to be buying.

My conclusion is that the CP70 is not as prized as we may think. Yes, as musicians we all appreciate how great it sounds, but to the rest of the world it's just another heavy piano taking up space. Even though (emotionally) I'd pay $1000 for one in good condition, logically I can't justify offering more than $500 in this buyer's market (USA, that is. Our friends overseas can expect to triple the prices I've mentioned).

Regardless, even if you do decide to buy it for $800, I'm sure you'll be happy with it!

Rob A

Thanks Spaceduck. The local one listed is now gone, but I don't know what it sold for. Since I now own three pianos, I'm not really too likely to buy anything that isn't an absolute steal.


Quote from: "Rob A"Thanks Spaceduck. The local one listed is now gone, but I don't know what it sold for. Since I now own three pianos, I'm not really too likely to buy anything that isn't an absolute steal.

Me too. I've spent sleepless nights debating whether to drive down to Louisiana (1200 miles!), but then I remind myself that I already have 2 pianos. Unless I sprout a 3rd hand, I think I can be content with what I've got :D

But it's still fun to window shop

Dan Belcher

Quote from: "Rob A"Thanks Spaceduck. The local one listed is now gone, but I don't know what it sold for. Since I now own three pianos, I'm not really too likely to buy anything that isn't an absolute steal.
If you ever get the itch to buy another piano, you could always buy it and send it to me to make sure it gets a good home...  :P
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73


Look... bottom line is this. If you can buy one of these things reasonably cheap then you need to do it. My fellow bandmates think I am nuts for hauling that AND my Rhodes around (if you have one of these then you'll understand quickly that the Rhodes is light work compared to a CP and that youll suddenly look really forward to the comparably easy job of setting up your Rhodes by yourself... so take notes, step 1. Have good bandmates or good friends who dont mind helping you set up that monster.) It all becomes worth it though when they hear it they understand the difference I always talk about with the thing. There isn't anything on the planet that sounds close to one of these in good tune. I'm getting ready to get in the studio with my CP and record a track for our album. My buddies and I are going to get the fun opportunity to haul it up a flight of stairs (as if the Rhodes isn't going to be hard enough). When its late at night and you just wanna play piano and a CP 70 is around... there isnt much better. Just the vibration of the strings... you cant really explain it. I've played a lot of vintage Steinway's, Yamaha's, Kawai's... etc. etc... nothing feels like an old CP and if you ever get the chance to play one or buy one then CERTAINLY do it if it is reasonable. They are big... but doublewide trailers are big too... and people move those!  

As for the asking price of one. I have a funny story. When I went to go look at my Fender 2X12 Deville for my Rhodes I walk into the guys house and in front of me is the amp looking like it just came out of the showroom. I glanced to my left and in the living room sat a MINT condition CP70. I was floored. I hadn't ever seen one in my life and was looking desperately for one. I asked him if he minded me playing it and he said he didn't mind. I actually tried the amp out with the CP70 and decided to buy the amp. He told me that he used to be a roadie and when the band got off the road that the keyboardist didnt have room for it and so he let this guy have it w/ the original anvil flight cases. He asked me what I thought it was worth and I told him about 1k. He was floored! He said "I was sure it was worth at least 3k or so"...needless to say that I knew we wouldnt be able to come to a good compromise on the price and we never really talked much about it (even though at the time I would have given the rest of my hair for one... heck I'll be about bald by the time I'm 25 anyways?). But that just goes to show that when you see some of these things listed for $1500 USD or so that people really think that those things are actually worth that much or more. The truth is they really arent. As much as I love these things it is outdated technology.  Hardly anyone wants to run the risk of a hernia or ruptured disk by moving one of these things when you can go buy a NEW Yamaha workstation that weighs about 25 pounds, and that will do 90% of keyboard players very well. Did I mention that they can get it to sound like anything they want it to.

So, back to the original point. To all of us purists... young and old. If you don't have a CP...and you want one... and you don't have to 2nd mortgage to get one. Then get one.  8)
1978 Fender Rhodes Stage 73 (3978) 
Roland JC-120 
BBE Sonic Maximizer 
Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble/1982 Boss CE-2/1982 Ibanez CS-9
1978 EHX Small Stone/EHX Polyphase
MXR Analogman Dyna/Ross
1974 Thomas Organ Wah


Wow... price check or reality check?
CP-70B in good condition (albeit dusty as hell) just sold on eBay for $210

how depressing...