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I think I just bought a 1970 Mark I

Started by oconnelk, August 13, 2008, 04:03:48 AM

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hey there guys,

i've searched pretty extensively for related topics but couldn't find the exact answer so i figured i'd start my own (plus, who we kidding?, I know some of you guys like figuring this stuff out!).

I've wanted a Rhodes for quite some time and jumped on the opportunity today when I saw a craigslist ad just 10 minutes after it was posted. So, I ended up scoring this Fender Rhodes for $250. From what i've gathered on here, it appears to be a 1970 Fender Rhodes Mark I. Here's a couple pictures that might help:" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="serial">" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="keys">

I have the top for it but the guy didn't have the actual "suitcase" top. It didn't come with a stand but he included an "after-market" sustain pedal. Everything works great and looks in great shape. I'm psyched on it but was wondering a couple things:

1. Can anyone tell me exactly what model/year this is?

2. Did I get a good deal? What do these usually go for?

I'm not interested in turning this for a profit or anything, just curious. As of now, this thing ranks up there with my regrettably long-gone '65 bassman as far as coolness/vintage-ness.

Thanks a ton in advance for any info.


I think you might be right! congratulations on a real bargain!
1977 Rhodes Mark 1 73 stage

Ben Bove

Is there a way we could get a high quality pic of the gold serial badge showing the serial and all the markings around it?  I'm curious as to what they are.  The 4070 at least tells you yes, this was completed 40th week of 1970.

What is the serial number, and is the model "Mark 1?"

The hammer tips, where the hammer strikes the tines - are they black rubber tips or square white felt cubes?

You got about $500 off the going rate :)  if that's any consolation.
Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet



thanks a lot for the info. I used my phone for those first pictures but here's some high-res ones. Appears the hammer tips are the white felt." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="serial 2">" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="serial">" target="_blank">" border="0" alt="hammers">

Do these pics give you any more info?

Ben Bove

Thanks very much!  The written numbers I don't know what they're from, probably someone else's writing.  the 4070 is legitimate.
Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet

Mark II

Quote from: "oconnelk"some high-res ones. Appears the hammer tips are the white felt.

nope, the white felts are the damper felts, I can identify black neoprene tips on the right hand of the damper arms.

kind regards

Mark II
Rhodes Stage 73 Mark II 1980 / modified Peterson Suitcase Preamp

The Real MC

Nice score.

The "holy grail" would be the "E model" - a transitional piano 1969-70 which is the square tone bars of the 1960s sparkle tops combined with the neophrene hammer tips and Torrington tines of the Mark Is.

I'd LOVE to find one of those.  There was an "E model" that was a popular rental item in the LA area that found its way on many recordings in the 70s/80s.  Listen to any pre-DX7 Al Jerreau recordings and you'll hear this piano - sounds great.

Ben Bove

1970 would have square felt cube tips :)

Neoprene came around '71.

I have a 1970 in for service at the moment.

Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet