Stage Piano Volume and Bass Boost circuit on nameboard...

Started by sean, October 24, 2008, 02:33:27 PM

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I recently re-drew the schematic for the Volume and Bass Boost circuit on the Stage Piano nameboard.  My diagram matches my three 73-key stage pianos from 1979, 1981, and 1984.

James and I would like to know if there were stage pianos that were wired differently in earlier years.

Could some of you owners of earlier pianos take a critical look at the wiring on the back of your nameboard, and tell us if they match my schematic (or my photo)?   Either compare yours to the schematic and photo below, or post a photo, and I will compare. 


Wiring Diagram:

Photo of circuit that matches the schematic above:




I know that Vintage Vibe references two versions, the earlier of which may be what was used on the Mark I's with no faceplate, before the Super Satellite system was available ('69 to '72-ish).  As with everything else in Rhodes history, it's up to us to figure out the differences.  If we can verify that the Mark V's preamp circuit is the same as the Rhodes Mark I from around '78 (when the Janus I system was released) and the plastic-key Mark II, that will give us a lot of info right there.  I'll email Chris and see what he's talking about on the VV website with their replacement pots.
Web Designer/Developer, Webmaster & Co-Creator
The Rhodes Super Site since 1996
1977 Mark I Stage 73 + Vintage Vibe Stereo Vibe


Here's the word from Chris:
QuoteThe earlier Fender Rhodes Piano Stage models used the old style with 2- 10K Pots and a 1 mfd cap across the tone pot. This offers less tone control and maybe less output than the later. The newer pots are 50K and 10K with a .0047 value cap which has a wider sweep.
So with that info, can somebody verify that Sean's schematic is correct for a Fender Rhodes Mark I from around '73 or '74, i.e. with the full faceplate and markings for the controls (as opposed to just bare knobs)?
Web Designer/Developer, Webmaster & Co-Creator
The Rhodes Super Site since 1996
1977 Mark I Stage 73 + Vintage Vibe Stereo Vibe

Mark II

Sean is dead on.

I am missing the unit for the cap in Chris description of the later preamp.

Mark II
Rhodes Stage 73 Mark II 1980 / modified Peterson Suitcase Preamp


dummy question:
what happens if you install say a 250K pot instead of a 50K ?


'71 Stage 73  >>  Fender Hot Rod Deluxe


Some links disappeared, so here is the old schematic, and also a modern version that is more pictorial.
