Power adapter for older Small Stone phaser

Started by Dan Belcher, March 18, 2009, 04:50:53 PM

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Dan Belcher

I recently picked up a second-generation Small Stone phaser.  This model:

What kind of power adapter do I need to get for it so I don't have to burn through 9V batteries constantly?  Here's a picture of the input jack on the back, and a ruler for scale
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73

Ben Bove

As far as the input plug - if you go to RadioShack they have (at least at my location) a box of open connectors that you can cycle through until one fits.

Not an electronics guy but make sure you have the right wall wart.  I plugged a "generic 9V" adaptor into my Clav and I blew up the preamp.  Probably something to do with DC or AC adaptor mistake.
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pianotuner steveo

By right wall wart Bjammerz means it is absolutely necessary that you do not reverse the polarity. That is the main concern. If you reverse it, you can possibly ruin the unit, at the very least,you will ruin the protection diode. The other things that need to be correct are the voltage (9v) and the amperage (current) athough I doubt that wil be a concern here. (Too low of a current will cause it not to turn on, similar to a weak  battery) If you are adventurous and can use an ohm meter,you can see which side of the jack connects to the ground and which side connects to the same place as the (+) wire of the 9V clip. If you don't know how to do this, check with someone that knows before you randomly plug a wall wart in. Most BUT NOT ALL!!! units use tip polarity of (+) (Meaning the very tip of the wall wart DC side) So be 100% sure.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...

pianotuner steveo

By the way,it looks like the tiny jack is the power jack. Normally the 1/4" jacks are the audio inputs and outputs. Im surprised they are not marked.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...

Dan Belcher

Quote from: "pianotuner steveo"By the way,it looks like the tiny jack is the power jack. Normally the 1/4" jacks are the audio inputs and outputs. Im surprised they are not marked.
It's labeled on the top of the pedal (you can see in the small picture "AMP  AC  INST" written on the top).

I've seen some info that says it's a 9V DC adapter.  Does that sound right?
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73

pianotuner steveo

Whoops, I missed the label on top!

Well yes,if it takes a 9v battery, it would be a 9V adapter but you need to know if the input jack (the 9V part) is positive tip polarity ,(most likely) or negative tip polarity. The polarity HAS to be correct.

Are they still in business? Can you contact them thru a website?

If not, look inside and check where the wires go with a continuity tester.If the (+) wire from the 9v battery clip goes to the tip of this jack, then you know it is positive tip polarity. If the Ground wire goes to the tip (which is less common,but does happen) then it would be negative tip polarity.

If anyone reading this doesn't know what I mean by 'tip' ,look at a typical 'guitar' cord. The very tip of the 1/4" plug (the pointy part) is the (+) wire, then there is a black insulator ring, then the larger metal behind  the ring goes to the (-) wire. Headphone plugs have two insulator rings because they are 3 conductor (L,R, and ground) for stereo.

I wish I had the ability to post pictures on this site so I can illustrate what I mean.....

BTW- it looks like the DC plug should be an 1/8" 2 conductor plug. (Looks like a mini headphone plug,but only 1 black insulator ring)
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


Just googling quickly:
apparently 9v 100ma positive tip?


I also have this Small Stone but have never gotten an AC adaptor for it.

Somewhere around here I have a mini-history of the Small Stone phase shifter (the different models and changes over the years); I'll post it if I can find it.
1979 Suitcase 73
1980 Stage 54

Dan Belcher

Quote from: "dnarkosis"Just googling quickly:
apparently 9v 100ma positive tip?


I also have this Small Stone but have never gotten an AC adaptor for it.
Yeah, just found this on Electro-Harmonix's website confirming it.  Apparently the new Small Stone Nano uses a negative-tip plug like Boss pedals, but the older Small Stones use the positive tip plug.

Quote from: "dnarkosis"Somewhere around here I have a mini-history of the Small Stone phase shifter (the different models and changes over the years); I'll post it if I can find it.
The link you're thinking about is probably this one:  http://www.pedalarea.com/small_stone.htm
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73


Many thanks, Dan.

Actually, what I have lying around here somewhere is an email from an extreme pedal-geek to whom I sold a restored Stage a few years ago and who wrote out the history for me, but the site you link seems considerably more thorough. Thanks.
1979 Suitcase 73
1980 Stage 54


Quote from: "pianotuner steveo"By right wall wart Bjammerz means it is absolutely necessary that you do not reverse the polarity. That is the main concern. If you reverse it, you can possibly ruin the unit, at the very least,you will ruin the protection diode. .

Good advice definitely. Although when I did it the wrong way the phaser was fine but the wart started smoking ominously. Not a reassuring sign.
1976 Mk1 73 Stage
Yamaha U3
Yamaha P90

Dan Belcher

Went the safe route, which also turned out to be the cheap route!  I got the actual Electro-Harmonix branded power adapter from Sweetwater.  Only $10, plus free shipping.  (They also called me within two minutes of finishing the order to confirm the shipping address since I'm a first-time customer, and ask how I heard about them, how long I've been playing, etc.)
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73


Thanks yet again, Dan; I just ordered the same thing.
1979 Suitcase 73
1980 Stage 54

Dan Belcher

Heads-up guys, the power supply works great.  Also, Sweetwater included their catalog and some random pieces of candy in the box when they shipped it, so that was nice.  ;)
Proud owner,
1978 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73