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Musicman 210 Sixty-Five

Started by michaeltristan, September 17, 2009, 09:42:36 PM

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Just got one of these for my portable rig.  Hohner Pianet T into the Musicman 210 Sixty-Five.  I love it!  It has two el-34 tubes in the power stage, and a solid-state preamp.  Two channels, clean and one with reverb and tremolo.  I really don't use either, so I really can't comment on those features.  I mainly bought it for the portability factor and the Fender'ish clean tones.  With the master volume at 10, and the preamp at 1.5, this puppy really sings some sweet clean tone!  WOW!  With the Channel volume at 10 and the master volume around what ever your ears can tolerate, its really nice overdrive.  Think Clapton Sunshine of Your Love...  he did use this amp in the head version, so it stands to reason.  It has 2 ten inch speakers with HUGE magnets and they sound real nice and warm.

I have only been playing a short while, but find that I play much more often due to the portability factor.  Is this a substitute for my Rhodes and Fender PA 100, no.  Is it a really cool vintage rig with real vintage tone.... hell yes.  The Pianet action is very light, and requires a real light touch to get any tone differential.  Not anywhere as sensitive as the Rhodes.  Also, due to the simple action, NO SUSTAIN.  It does effect the way I play.  i find myself using my left hand to sustain a lower note while I move my right hand to the next location.  The Pianet T with the Musicman 210 Sixty-Five really work well with each other, and I have alot of fun playing them.

Sorry, I have yet to plug the Rhodes into the Musicman, but will report back when I do.
Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five