New Korg SV1 (Stage Vintage Paino)

Started by Kbjazzman, September 15, 2009, 11:11:10 AM

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Check this new stage vintage paino out at korg website the concept is very good. Sound also interesting.

I want to try one if they come out at dealer store


Wow.. looks cool.  Did you happen to notice that 12ax7 vacuum tube right up front with the controls? That should provide some authentic drive!!  Looks to be a pretty nice gig-machine..... at $2000 USD it should be, i guess.  This will give Nord some stiff competition.  It seems to have very similar features and sound bank.  No draw bars for the organ, but there are multiple organ sounds....  i would like to get my hands on one, even if it's only in the showroom for a few minutes.  We'll just have to sit back a wait for this thing to hit the street before the real reviews roll in.
Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five


The tube doesn't necessarily mean a lot, but if it sounds good - great.
What I'm less than enthusiastic about is the RH3 action (same as in the SP-250). It's ok, but no more.

Looks like the Nord concept done the other way round - more focused on a piano-like action and piano sounds than on organ.
I wasn't too crazy about the Rhodes demos, but I've played some pretty good Korg Rhodes patches, so I'm sure there will be some nice ones in there.
Tuning instruments makes the band sound thin!

Rob A

From the youtube video, it sure looks like there's just an LED turning on and lighting up the tube.

Watch at 3:21 how the tube "turns on" almost immediately.   :roll:


Web Designer/Developer, Webmaster & Co-Creator
The Rhodes Super Site since 1996
1977 Mark I Stage 73 + Vintage Vibe Stereo Vibe


You know, it's almost like they took the press photo of the Mark IV from this site and visualized the look of the thing from it. Stranger things have happened (the Fiesta Red piano in "Ray" was a mockup built from the catalog photo a guy found here without us knowing it). And in the last shot you can even see a 4-leg stand that's probably optional, maybe one that hooks into the underside. In any case, it really does seem like a big ripoff of the Nord Stage Piano (not the Electro) with the B3 simulator dumped so you'll be forced to use the CX3 with it. I'm completely conflicted because I'm both a long-time Korg user and a Nord fan, but I guess it's for the musicians to decide.

I also thought that in addition to the backlight for the tube, there should be a little speaker behind it to make lightsaber sounds indicating to the player when it's turning on & off, plus maintaining a hum while it's on. You know, just soft enough that only you can hear it while you're not playing. And with no volume control so it starts making you crazy after a while.
Web Designer/Developer, Webmaster & Co-Creator
The Rhodes Super Site since 1996
1977 Mark I Stage 73 + Vintage Vibe Stereo Vibe


Rob! I did see what you mean about it "turning on" all of the sudden...  Could be an LED but not too sure..  A 12ax7 will light up and glow.  could just be some video editing.  Perhaps a still shot of it off, then running video of it "on"...

How about the damper let off simulation... is that going a step too far?  Maybe they should have a computer algorithm to make it go out of tune too! and maybe fill the bottom of it with lead so it weighs in at about 150 lbs.  AND maybe they could ship it without the pedal, make them really hard to get, and make people buy them off ebay!  Now THAT would be authentic!!

Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five


I also thought that it could track stats on how many times you hit each key along with the MIDI velocity and "wear out" tines, reeds & strings for you. There would be samples of parts breaking built-in, plus the sound of dead keys, and the only way to get a note working again would be to pay Korg $10 per key for "service" via the USB port....
Web Designer/Developer, Webmaster & Co-Creator
The Rhodes Super Site since 1996
1977 Mark I Stage 73 + Vintage Vibe Stereo Vibe


HAHAHA.. too funny James..  Now we need someone to hammer each tine on their Rhodes while recording, so we can capture the sound of each tine breaking.  I guess they go kinda dull sounding first, so we'll need to capture that as well.  I like the idea of the velocity data, because the harder you hammer the keys, the less tine strikes will be needed to break'em!  Who is it around here who breaks at least two tines each gig...? I'll have to search the old posts.... and what about Wurlie's....  is it middle c that buzzez on many piano's?  Maybe this piano needs an authenticity knob.  The higher you turn it up, the more anomalies become present!!
Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five


The SV-1 is a fantastic bit of kit. Have had one for about a month now.


I was very pleasantly surprised with the keyboard action. Although I didn't really like the SP250-action, this one is very good.
Tuning instruments makes the band sound thin!


Quote from: "andi85"I was very pleasantly surprised with the keyboard. Although I didn't really like the SP250-action, this one is very good.

how are you amplifying this keyboard? do you use any effect pedals with this?

Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five


Sorry, Michael, I meant the RH3 hammer action. I don't own the SV-1 - I just tested it.
Tuning instruments makes the band sound thin!

pianotuner steveo

I have one- it is amazing! I have never tried a Nord, but from the sounds I have heard, I like the SV-1 better

I am still looking for optimal amplification (Home studio use) It sounds AWFUL through a guitar amp (or 2 for stereo)

Sounds equally bad through a Rhodes suicase bottom.

I was thinking of just a home stereo amp-I have a spare...

I mainly use it with headphones for now

any thoughts?
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


I run mine through a standard stereo amp. Sounds great !

Both in sound and in feel, the SV-1s seem far better than the Nord Electros (for pianos/electric pianos). Clavs its more close - and Nord has better organ sounds I reckon.


We need a snazzy name for an instrument that emulates the sound of the Rhodes.  I was thinking along the lines of "clonebar"...  kinda like Hammond synths are often referred to as clonewheel... hahaha.. I have too much time on my hands!
Mk 1 Stage>Fender PA 100>2x12 Celestion G12t75
Hohner Pianet>Musicman 210 Sixty-Five


I had the opportunity to play one for a small jazz recording. It looks really great, and i like the interface. Everything is really direct, easy to use. Also the keyboard action is good, for acoustic piano playing really cool. A little bit less for organ and clavinet sounds.

But...the sound. Sorry, but the sustain on the higher keys is too short. For 1 second the sound is really good, but after this second, the volume is falling down to fast. The dynamic is also not so good. The maximum intensity is reached to fast...when you are playing a real Rhodes, you know that the playing of this keyboard allows you to play from PPP to FFF, the fingers have to apply different dynamic on the keyboard, from very light to really heavy. The SV-1 reach the maximum volume and intensity to fast. It's not easy to play very soft sounds.

If Korg could change the samples on board, it could be very good.

Also the effects...they are not bad, but sometimes, when the pots is on 1, it's already too much...

The acoustic pianos are ok, but it's the same things about the samples lenght. You really have this volume drop after 1.5 second.

In my humble opinion, Clavia is still better in this domain.
Fender Rhodes Stage 1971
Fender Rhodes Suitcase 1973

pianotuner steveo

1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


1972 Mark I Stage 73 with Vintage Vibe "Stage Vibe" custom preamp

Ok, bye!!!


i have tried it, and was impressed by it, but the nord is still way better!!
'77 stage rhodes mark 1>'60's selmer pa100sv>Nord Stage 2>Dexibell vivo s1>Roland RD800>auturia drum brute>moog minature>waldorf streichfett>1x12 fane twin cone speaker>smartlight pa>2xhz speakers>selmer pa100>Samson Auro D210 active pa cab>bose s1>stuff and things pa>

Marc-Etienne HUNEAU

Quote from: michaeltristan on September 17, 2009, 09:24:00 PM
Rob! I did see what you mean about it "turning on" all of the sudden...  Could be an LED but not too sure..  A 12ax7 will light up and glow.  could just be some video editing.  Perhaps a still shot of it off, then running video of it "on"...

How about the damper let off simulation... is that going a step too far?  Maybe they should have a computer algorithm to make it go out of tune too! and maybe fill the bottom of it with lead so it weighs in at about 150 lbs.  AND maybe they could ship it without the pedal, make them really hard to get, and make people buy them off ebay!  Now THAT would be authentic!!


It is backlit indeed.