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D6 Clavinet - Power adapter mod

Started by Electroharmony, February 14, 2010, 08:22:02 PM

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I recently acquired a Hohner D6 Clavi (ya!) and there is an odd mod where the stock power adapter should be.  It seems a previous owner has drilled out the original barrel adapter receptacle and replaced it with a 1/4" jack.

Can anyone make any sense out of this??
Rhodes Suitcase 73 Flat-top
Hohner D6 Clavinet
Hohner Pianet N
Wurlitzer 145B
Wurlitzer 200A


I have some circa mid-1980s DOD guitar stomp boxes that came with a wall-wart power supply that had a 1/4" jack as the connector.  I always thought it was an accident waiting to happen.