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Vintage Vibe Wurlitzer Reeds

Started by Chris Carroll, October 09, 2012, 11:00:22 AM

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Chris Carroll

 Vintage Vibe Original Reeds -Simply, Love them or your money and shipping will be refunded- Guaranteed-

Vintage Vibe reeds are authentic reproductions of the original Wurlitzer reeds- Vintage Vibe reeds have been blue printed from the original Wurlitzer Reed drawings this ensures their authenticity.

We offer every Reed for 110, 111, 112, 112A, 140B, 145B, 200 200A , 200B- (not just one blank 21-42)- we also have a vast stock of original reeds..

  Hey we even make the only Rhodes Tine produced in the world- Reeds and Tines, it's what we do-

Make sure it says Vintage Vibe on the package or you are not getting an authentic reproduction.
Vintage Vibe will do all we can to help anyone out in a fair and honest way. Call us up or email anytime.  "Love is the answer"


I would pay good money for pre-tuned 112 reeds but you're not doing those, right?
- Jezza

Film composer and orchestrator:


I purchased a Vintage Vibe reed mold, but was disappointed to find that there is no key or guide as to which of the eight molds is designed for which note. I am about to contact Vintage Vibe directly but wanted to get a conversation going here about it for any other do it your self Wurlitzer technicians out there.


They won't really be note-specific.  Low notes need more solder on the reeds and the very highest ones have almost none.  When you're tuning, towards the end you'll find that you're sometimes adjusting the amount of solder by tiny little drops or single swipes of a metal file.  Just dig in, play around, and you'll get a feel for it.  It's slow work, but it's not hard.
- Jezza

Film composer and orchestrator:


when they're not "pre tuned", are they still cut to length with solder applied? The VV site sometimes lacks details in its "shop" section


Yes they are cut and soldered. Ive always ordered "un-tuned" reeds and they usually are close to the pitch to start with, sometimes they are a few steps low. I just received 6 of them though and 2 were already sharp so I had to add some solder. That has never happened before though. They must just cut the untuned ones to length and put them in the reed mold and ship them without testing first. Great sounding reeds though!

Chris Carroll

Hey Jezza, I saw your post and yes now we have 112 reeds in stock. We carry all notes, it's amazing to have access to these rare reeds. Even for us, we are thrilled!!
Vintage Vibe will do all we can to help anyone out in a fair and honest way. Call us up or email anytime.  "Love is the answer"



Chris Carroll

All I will say is Good Luck Ken-
Vintage Vibe will do all we can to help anyone out in a fair and honest way. Call us up or email anytime.  "Love is the answer"




Received a note 30 reed today.  It was 5 notes low in pitch.  After a ton of filing it does not have a good sound.  Probably lost its shape in the excessive filing.


Did you preserve the pyramid shape when filing?  That can't be stressed enough. Reeds must be tight too. Did it sound good before you got to final pitch?


It's good to know that Vintage Vibe has 112 reeds now. I managed to make some 120 reeds work for me by filing them down to be a bit more narrow, but it puts me at ease to know that there is a better and more accessible solution out there.
- Jezza

Film composer and orchestrator:


Hey there! I just wanted to leave a thank you @VV here. I installed one of their 200 reeds. It sounds great, fits right in. Great sustain.