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D'y'know who designed the Wurly Solid State amp?

Started by DocWurly, April 30, 2016, 02:21:02 PM

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D'y'know who designed the Wurly Solid State amp?

Well, I don't know for sure.  But I just talked to a guy who owns a 140, which he bought when it came out, "around 1963." (which is the correct time-frame.)  According to him, the amp in this was designed by a very young, not-yet famous Bob Moog.

This guy knew Bob Moog in the 60s, and claimed that Moog got in his Wurly at some point and fixed the non-headphone output so that it functioned at a more appropriate level for a powered amp.

Debate on this potential fact is welcome.


That would be a very cool piece of information if it can be confirmed as true. Would this be the version with the selenium rectifier and the varistor tremolo?