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Wurlitzer 207VA

Started by ett.van, April 06, 2017, 10:27:49 AM

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Hi guys, I recently bought my first electric piano, a Wurlitzer 207VA with its Keynote Visualizer. Didn't know too much about them beforehand but I have been reading up quite a bit and have a few questions.

It seems that from a collectors view point these are perhaps a bit more rare? Can anyone give me an indication of value of these? Mine is still in original condition so semi dirty, a few scuff marks and in need of some work on the action and tuning but nothing alarming.

As with most of the photos I could find the four controls on the very right side have lost their knobs. Where could I possibly get my hands on a set of these? Or alternatively, can someone send me a close up photo of what they looked like so I can either fabricate new ones or find a close enough replacement.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Id say they are definitely rare from a collector standpoint, but not really as valuable from a practical standpoint.  The original lid is hacked away for that control panel so the original look of every other 200 series is gone. Definitely cool though and a conversation piece.  If I ever got my hands on one I'd turn that front faceplate into effects or something of that nature.

pianotuner steveo

Yeah, it's not really worth more than any other similar model like the 206,206A. The visualizer is gigantic, and really serves no purpose except maybe a decoration for somebody's studio or man cave.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...

Tim Hodges

Bristol Electric Piano



No idea about "value", but man, SO COOL that you found one intact.  Rare, and they will only get rarer.  Pix, please!  Read up around here on how we are now figuring out dates by using the stamps on the wood.  Please post serial numbers (for both the 207VA and the visualizer) and dates!!!  (for my research.)

Ben Bove

Wow, they really just took a pair of scissors to that lid at the factory didn't they.
Retro Rentals & Restorations
Vintage Music Gear

IG: @RetroRentalsNet

pianotuner steveo

I have one of those control panels from a 207 that I have no use for. Condition is not as nice as this one, but if anyone ( in the US) is interested in it, send me a PM
I do not know if all f the controls work or not since I do not have a 207. It was in the lot of 206's I bought a while back.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


Thanks for the feedback guys!

tjh392 thanks for the pic, I can work with that.

Paleophone the numbers are all in the pics I'm adding, although the 208's serial number looks a bit questionable? Haha

Number on the Transformer is 203389

Pianotuner Steveo its a shame your in the US, the face on mine is a bit scratched up, will see if I know someone who is travelling there sometime soon.



Look for 8 digit numbers on the wood when you next open it up.  There should be an upside-down one on the back right, behind the dampers, above a number like "A-60-5". That and any numbers on the keys will give us the best idea of the assembly date.

Great pix!  Thank you!



The 6th and 8th digit could be a 5 or a 3, it didn't print too well there and also ran off the edge of the wood.


50415335 means April 15, 1975.