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200 series reed mounting - solder facing up or down?

Started by beginnersluke, June 09, 2017, 09:38:23 AM

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When I look at the service manual, it sure looks like the lead (solder) weight pyramid is facing down (toward the floor).

In the 206A I bought on Craigslist the weight faces up on every reed.

This seems curious (and like it would affect voicing quite a bit).

I watched some of the Vintage Vibe restoration videos, and there is seems that some face up (middle range) but some down (bass). I'm not sure that's correct, but that's what it seems like.

Thoughts, comments?

pianotuner steveo

Down in the bass then up after that is the way they were originally installed on later models,so VV video is correct. The early models (100 series except 106) had them all facing down if I remember correctly.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


Quote from: pianotuner steveo on June 09, 2017, 03:39:18 PM
Down in the bass then up after that is the way they were originally installed on later models,so VV video is correct. The early models had them all facing down if I remember correctly.

Yep I believe 1-20 are face down, the rest are face up

pianotuner steveo

It sounds like a previous owner of the 206 reversed them to make them easier to tune, but that is so much work, I personally don't think it's worth it. Especially since you rarely ever have to replace and retune bass reeds. I'm not sure if it affects the voicing, however.
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...


I think the reason they were turned face down was because they are so long. A tall solder pyramid may interfere with the damper arm if the note is struck hard.

pianotuner steveo

That's a good point, I've never thought of that...
1960 Wurlitzer model 700 EP
1968 Gibson G101 Combo organ
1975 Rhodes Piano Bass
1979 Wurlitzer 206A EP
2009 73A Rhodes Mark 7
2009 Korg SV-1 73
2017 Yamaha P255
2020 Kawai CA99
....and a few guitars...